Holly Cinnamon

Holly Cinnamon

프로필 사진

Holly Cinnamon

참여 작품

호커스 포커스 2
누군가가 검은 불꽃 초에 불을 붙여 17세기에 활동했던 자매들을 되살린 지도 29년이 흘렀다. 이제 자매들은 원수를 갚으려 한다. 핼러윈 전날의 동이 터오기 전에 세일럼에서 대혼란을 일으키려는 마녀들을 막아설 사람은 세 고등학생뿐이다.
The Girl Who Cannot Speak
'The Girl Who Cannot Speak' follows five women's true stories of sexual abuse. We began this project by meeting with women from all different backgrounds, ages, and walks of life. The level of sincerity, depth, and trust that is cultivated in this documentary is nothing short of impressive. Each woman has been involved with the Lenox Hill Women's Shelter in New York city. As the project moves forward we meet Charlotte a 13 year old girl who's story is depicted through visual images. She never speaks. Charlotte's image is a metaphor of innocence that ties all the women's unique stories together.
Journey to the Last Christmas Dance
While waiting for his date to get ready, a young man bonds with his date's father.