Halldór Halldórsson

참여 작품

어느 여자의 전쟁
Police Officer 2
40대 후반 여성 할라는 아이슬란드에 심각한 공해를 유발시키는 알루미늄 공장을 상대로 비밀스러운 전쟁을 선포하고 공장 주변 기물을 파괴하는 테러를 감행 한다. 그녀의 테러가 사회에 큰 파장을 일으킬 무렵, 우연히 한 고아 아이를 만나고 그녀의 인생이 바뀌기 시작하는데….
Anti-American Wins Nobel Prize
Halldór Kiljan Laxness was born in 1902 in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, but spent his youth in the country. From the age of seventeen on, he traveled and lived abroad, chiefly on the European continent. He was influenced by expressionism and other modern currents in Germany and France. In the mid-twenties he converted to Catholicism, but Laxness's religious period did not last long; during a visit to America he became attracted to socialism, which would later on get him into trouble with the Icelandic authorities and eventually blacklisted in the U.S regardless of excellent sales and good reviews.
Niceland (Population. 1.000.002)
Factory worker
Jet lives a joyful life working at a factory with his girlfriend who he's deeply in love with. Shortly after they decide to get married and live together happily ever after her cat, who she has a weird affection for, dies. The girlfriend falls into depression which could (strangely enough) lead to her death and the only way to give her a purpose to live and save her is to tell her the meaning of life.