Jean-Raymond Garcia

참여 작품

남북전쟁이 한창인 1863년 미주리 주의 세인트찰스. 나폴레옹 3세의 뜻에 따라 남과 북 어디에도 동조하지 않는 중립세력으로 머물던 프랑스 부르주아들은 북군의 위협을 피해 고국으로의 탈출을 시도한다. 에스더는 용병 빅터의 안내를 받으며 부모와 두 언니, 하녀 레일라와 함께 피난길에 오르지만 그들의 험난한 여정은 무법자 베티가 이끄는 도적떼를 만나면서 위기를 맞는다.
Just After Midnight
Suzanne is a young, blind teacher. Within a small community of the visually impaired, she assiduously follows a course in art history devoted to the erotology of Satan and to witches. Transformed, Suzanne tries to steal a man's eyes in order to get her sight back. The failure of her first attempt leads her to more easily approachable and impressionable prey, her personal reader, Pierre, who is madly in love with her.
Just After Midnight
Suzanne is a young, blind teacher. Within a small community of the visually impaired, she assiduously follows a course in art history devoted to the erotology of Satan and to witches. Transformed, Suzanne tries to steal a man's eyes in order to get her sight back. The failure of her first attempt leads her to more easily approachable and impressionable prey, her personal reader, Pierre, who is madly in love with her.