Patrizia Biccirè

참여 작품

La Pietra del paragone - Rossini
Celebrating the 200th anniversary of this masterpiece's creation with this extravagant yet delicious production by Pier Luigi Pizzi at the Teatro Real Madrid! Far from the tradition productions in period costume, Pier Luigi Pizzi imagines this Touchstone in a modern villa "Beverly Hills style"! Sheltered by large verandas, the Count Asdrubale wanders in his luxurious bathrobe and watch his guests enjoy his gorgious garden, notably provided with real swimming-pool! With sport chic clothes and models dressed in bikinis, the stage is very close to look like the yacht of a celebrity...
La Serva Padrona
Premiered in 1733, Pergolesi's La Serva Pedrona is a Major event in the history of opera. Due to the lightheatedness of the plot and the ordinariness of the characters – not to say their coarseness – La Serva Pedrona launched what is known today as "the Quarrel of the Comic Actors" ("la Querelle des Bouffons" in French), a quarrel that brought into conflict the advocates of the French tradition against the proponents of the Italian music, the latter gathered behing the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. If what they were fighting about seems trifling to the modern observer, the quarrel occasioned fierce reactions wavering between jingoistic arguements and unjustified critics of the French style. Be that as it may, La Serva Pedrona is a masterpiece, all the more so with the charmismatic Donato Di Stefano in the role of Uberto and the delightfull Patrizia Biccirè giving life to the mischievous Serpina.