Sound Designer
It is the love story of Karan and Omisha who are deeply in love, but have never met each other. Perhaps, fate has other plans for them.
Sound Designer
What happens when the threads of destiny bring you face to face with your lost love, once again? Soban, a middle-aged man is in search of solace and there is someone who is about to knock at the closed doors of his heart.
Sound Effects Designer
A man, the heir to an empire, believes that marriage will ruin a man's life. Unfortunately, the only way for him to inherit his father's wealth, is to get married.
Sound Re-Recording Assistant
Call-center workers receive a phone call from God.
Sound Mixer
When a rival steals his presentation and takes the credit for making it, a man gets fired from his job and lashes out on God for making his life miserable. However, God appears before him in human form and gives him his powers with a challenge to do better than him.
Mixing Engineer
As the only employed member of a large family, Aditya Singh a big-hearted mechanic, works hard to provide for his siblings, his grandmother and a bevy of nieces and nephews. But, when he is unexpectedly killed in a car accident, his family's future becomes a murky prospect. Fearful for their safety and happiness, Aditya convinces Yamraj the Hindu god of death, to give him a chance to return -- as a ghost -- to carry out the unresolved business of his life.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
After a series of deaths in Orbit Park, India, are attributed to a man-eating tiger, wildlife expert Krish and his photographer decide to investigate the incidents for a magazine article.
Assistant Sound Designer
A love triangle emerges in America between two Indian men and one Indian woman. The two men fall in love with a young co-ed at an American University--who also happens to be the daughter of an Indian billionaire.
Sound Mixer
영국에서 10년간의 유학생활을 마치고 막 귀국한 데브다스. 그는 어머니보다도 파로를 먼저 만나러 간다. 파로는 데브다스와 어릴 때부터 단짝친구로 지내온 이웃집 아가씨. 헤어질 때부터 촛불을 켜놓고 데브다스를 그리워한 파로와 데브다스는 격정적인 사랑에 빠져든다. 그러나 둘이 결혼하는 것을 못마땅해하던 데브다스의 집안은 파로의 어머니를 공개적으로 망신을 주고 결국 둘을 갈라놓는다. 데브다스는 파로에게 이별을 통고하는 편지를 쓰는 한편, 고통을 잊기 위해 고급유곽을 드나들다가 아름다운 찬드라무키를 알게 된다. 술에 탐닉하기 시작한 데브다스를, 찬드라무키는 마음 깊숙이 사랑하게 된다. 한편 파로는 지역의 막강한 유지와 결혼을 하고, 자신의 남편이 죽은 전처를 잊지 못하고 있다는 사실과, 남편과 전처 사이에 세 명의 자식이 있다는 사실을 알게 된다.