Anne Beyer

프로필 사진

Anne Beyer

참여 작품

Female Party Goer
할리우드는 진정 어떤 곳이었을까. 신랄한 사회 비평가이자 알코올에 중독된 시나리오 작가 허먼 J. 맹키위츠. 그는 오슨 웰스의 시민 케인 시나리오를 마치고자 모든 것을 쏟고 있다. 그런 그의 시선으로 1930년대 할리우드를 새롭게 조명한다.
퍼핏 마스터: 더 리틀리스트 라이크
Hedwig Wagner
에드가는 이혼한 후 어릴적 살던 집으로 돌아온다. 죽은 동생의 방에서 흉측한 인형을 발견하고 마을 행사에서 팔기로 결심한다. 사악한 힘이 인형을 통해 지옥이 열리게 되는데...
Mrs. Williamson
Life is normal for James. He works out at the gym, commutes to work, teaches school, picks up groceries, returns to his suburban home, eats dinner with his wife, and wakes up the next morning to do it all over again. Everything is as it should be. His world is peaceful, calm and happy. Or is it? Never one to think much about the future, James begins to take note of the warning signs all around him that seem to point to impending doom and the collapse of society. After considering all the awful things that could happen, James decides to prepare for the worst. But there is just one problem... he has no idea where to start. Enlisting the help of his wife Sarah, James embarks on a quest to be ready for anything without spending all his money, losing the respect of his friends, or becoming a survivalist freak.