Michaela Stasch

참여 작품

Propagandaschlacht um die Ukraine
The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine is not only waged with bombs, rockets and rocket-propelled grenades, but also in the media. It is a "propaganda battle" internally and externally. Russia spreads targeted disinformation in order to systematically devalue news. At the same time, their own population should be convinced that they want to liberate Ukraine from Nazis. Ukraine's narrative wants to emotionally mobilize its own population and strengthen resistance to the aggressor. Spindoctors are of particular importance in the propaganda battle over Ukraine. On the Ukrainian side, it's often influencers like Oleksiy Arestovych. On the Russian side, Vladimir Solovyov, Putin's snout, is supposed to sell the war to his own people with his daily TV talks. The documentary shows the new front lines of virtual warfare and provides insights into the populists' bag of tricks on social networks.
Corona Chronicles: 40 Days that Changed the world
Corona has turned our lives upside down. Everywhere. In Corona Chronicles, people from all around the world document their everyday life during the pandemic with their mobile phones: An Indian construction worker, a Spanish nurse, a Chinese returnee, a bicycle courier in New York, a girl from Afghanistan in the Moria refugee camp – together, from mid-March to mid-April 2020 they are writing a communal, global video diary.
Battlefield Gender
Both a visit to a very peculiar exhibition at the Bundeswehr Military History Museum in Dresden, Germany, as well as an unprejudiced look at the artistic depiction of violence throughout history and the ways in which that depiction has been gendered.
1648: The Long Road to Peace
October 2018 was the four-hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War. The documentary traces the story of how it was finally brought to an end with the peace of Munster and Osnabruck – the first peace in European history to be concluded at the negotiating table and not fought on the battlefield.