This movie is based on Arita porcelain and its kiln. Yui, a 14-year-old girl, lives as a single-parent family with her father Nobuo and her grandmother. Painting pictures with various colors is the only way for Yui to be herself. She never opens up to her father or friends in her day-to-day life.
It was "just" a summer day spent with someone she didn't know, who was drunk and had lost her memory.
Coverage of the glorious Olympic Opening Ceremony of the Games in Tokyo. The 2020 Summer Olympics opening ceremony took place on 23 July 2021 at Olympic Stadium, Tokyo. As mandated by the Olympic Charter, the proceedings combined the formal and ceremonial opening of this international sporting event, including welcoming speeches, hoisting of the flags and the parade of athletes, with an artistic spectacle to showcase the host nation's culture and history.
Original Music Composer
Ryoko's husband forges art for a living and beats her for trying to work outside the conjugal home. Her young son mimics her husband's behavior and her mother-in-law sanity slowly disintegrates as she treks to the cemetery everyday.
시골에 사는 소녀 미츠하(가미시라이시 모네)는 어느 날 잠에서 깬 후 자신의 몸이 남자로 바뀐 걸 알게 된다. 같은 시간, 도쿄에 사는 소년 타키(가미키 류노스케) 역시 이 기이한 상황을 겪고 있다. 낯선 가족, 낯선 친구들, 낯선 풍경들... 서로에게 이어진 끈을 알게 된 둘은 둘만의 규칙을 정하고 점차 상황을 받아들이기 시작한다. 서로에게 남긴 메모를 확인하며 점점 친구가 되어가는 타키와 미츠하. 언제부턴가 더 이상 몸이 바뀌지 않자 자신들이 특별하게 이어져있었음을 깨달은 타키는 미츠하를 만나러 가는데...