하룻밤 사이에 꼬여버린 시공간으로 2018년을 사는 여자 ‘소초’의 집과 1999년을 사는 남자 ‘육명’의 집이 하나로 합쳐진다. ‘소초’가 문을 열면 스마트폰, AI로봇, 자율주행차… 2018년 ㅇ_ㅇ! ‘육명’이 문을 열면 팩게임, 공중전화카드, 디스켓… 1999년 ( -_-;) 한 지붕 아래 두 개의 세상을 공유하는 본격 시공간 초월 로맨틱 코미디!
In the Haibei People's Hospital, Qinghai province, China, the present-day on the night of a full moon, a patient is murdered by a syringe through her chest. This adds stress to the hospital's heart surgeon Gu Zhen Sheng who had recently lost his wife Xia Xue to an illness. Since his wife's death, Gu has been suffering from nightmares that have affected his work, and Xia Xue's younger sister, Nurse Xia Xiao Yu also is emotionally disturbed.
Set in a Shandong village during the crucial Menglianggu Campaign between communists and nationalists in 1947, the film follows six women from various families as the (largely offscreen) civil war impacts their feudal existence.