Production Design
범죄, 마약, 인종 간 분쟁으로 조용할 날 없는 멜버른의 악명 높은 아파트 단지에 이제 막 이민을 온 무슬림 소녀가 이사 온다. 이곳에서 소녀는 젊은 음악가를 만나고, 두 사람 사이에 조금씩 사랑의 감정이 싹트기 시작한다. 이루어질 수 없을 것 같은 그들의 사랑은 과연 결실을 맺을 수 있을까.
Production Design
They were Australia’s bad days. Men killed other men and laughed. All that was left for the children of the dead was to remember. If they had the strength.
Production Design
Samuel is 9 years old, he will be remembered as a thief, an arsonist and a murderer.
Production Design
Suffering from a mysterious affliction, a young boy is taken to a secluded hospital by his fearful parents. Lloyd soon learns that more harm is being done than good.