The Mountain Tears' follows the odyssey of a guild of stonemasons during the troublesome first years of the twentieth century. Far from their homeland, hunted, cut off by war and battles, slowly or quickly, they will perish one by one, and only Markos, the master builder, like another Ulysses, will continue his wandering.
The Mountain Tears' follows the odyssey of a guild of stonemasons during the troublesome first years of the twentieth century. Far from their homeland, hunted, cut off by war and battles, slowly or quickly, they will perish one by one, and only Markos, the master builder, like another Ulysses, will continue his wandering.
Η Άννα, μια νεαρή ιστορικός τέχνης, ετοιμάζει μια έκθεση για τη ζωγράφο Μαρία Δήμου, το θάνατο της οποίας καλύπτει βαθύ μυστήριο. Αντλώντας πληροφορίες από τον σύντροφο της Δήμου, τον Άγγελο, θα αρχίσει σιγά σιγά να ανακαλύπτει ότι τόσο εκείνος όσο και η ζωή της Μαρίας κρύβουν πολλές σκοτεινές πλευρές.