Sin-Yi Yip

Sin-Yi Yip

출생 : , China

프로필 사진

Sin-Yi Yip

참여 작품

다리가 예쁜 여자들을 골라 강간한 후 다리를 절단하여 살해한 연쇄살인사건이 발생한다. 홍콩의 경찰들은 특별수사본부를 설치하고 켄 경위가 이 전담반을 맡는다. 한편, 켄의 약혼녀이자 유능한 여자경찰인 아설이 갱단의 조직원을 후송하는 도중, 그의 입을 막으려는 갱 조직원이 호송차를 습격한다. 차량 충돌과 함께 시작된 총격전으로 경찰과 갱단의 유혈사태가 발생하고 아설이 부상을 당한다. 이때 우연히 이 근처를 지나다 이 광경을 목격한 연쇄유괴살인범 로이는 아설의 각선미를 주목하고, 총격전에도 아랑곳하지 않고 스커트 아래 그녀의 다리를 비디오로 녹화한다. 이때부터 로이는 아설의 집에 몰래 침입하여 그녀의 사생활을 캐내고, 그녀를 자신의 것으로 만들려는 작업을 시작한다. 또한 대담하게도 경찰서로 아설을 찾아가 그녀에게 자신이 찍은 비디오 테이프와 선물을 주고 달아나 버린다. 수상한 낌새를 채고 그를 추적하지만 놓치고 마는 켄과 아설. 그러나 한번 먹이를 노린 그가 아설을 놓아줄 리 만무한 일. 아설의 집에 로이는 계속 기거하며 그녀를 납치할 기회를 노린다. 그러던 중 아설의 동생을 보게 된 로이는 때마침 집으로 오던 켄과 아설의 눈 앞에서 아설의 여동생을 납치하며, 아설에게 그녀를 찾기 위해 악속 장소로 올 것을 명령한다. 아설이 로이를 찾는 동안에도 시내 밤거리의 봉고 안에서 아설의 여동생을 겁탈하는 로이. 마침내 로이를 만나러 찾아오지만 그의 계략에 말려들어 그녀마저 그의 먹이가 되어버린다. 동생의 죽음을 통해 간신히 로이로부터 탈출하는 아설. 그러나 아설을 찾기 위해 로이의 더욱 잔혹하고 엽기적인 토막 살인을 감행하며. 로이에게 복수를 하려던 아설은 로이의 계략에 말려들어 캔마저 살해하게 되는데...
New Golden Lotus V
New Golden Lotus IV
4th episode of a serie of 5. Chinny is stuck in a marriage with a disgusting midget, but is seduced and tricked into becoming the fifth concubine of lecherous official Simon Hsin. While Chinny is mistreated by the other concubines, Simon has affairs with anything that movies, poisons Chinny's husband, and imprisons her brother-in-law. It soon becomes apparent that this is Simon's M.O. when he steals another man's wife and kills him as well
New Golden Lotus II
New Golden Lotus  I
Water Tank Murder Mystery
A body is found inside a water tank a top of an apartment building. It's not a hard case to solve for Danny Lee and company.
Dream Lovers
Two married, but very unfaithful men contrive a playful competition ... the men who woos the perfect "dream lover" wins. A seemingly harmless game leads them into more than a few comic complications.
My Better Half
A set of three stories, each concerning a woman's difficulty with her husband. Story 1 is set in 1940, in a brothel fallen on hard times. Their star attraction is Flora, but she marries a local fishseller, only to kill him with too much sex on their wedding night, then he comes back as a jealous ghost. Story 2 is possibly in the 1960s, regarding a poor family where the husband is very ill with TB and the wife has to work overtime. A chicken seller lusts after her, and helps pay for the husband's operation. But when he finds out...... Story 3 concerns a paranoid former nightclub hostess, "Beautiful Ho", who marries Robert (a client) on a whim, then drives herself mad (or madder) suspecting him of wooing girls. She is seen telling her story in a police station...
The Other Side of Dolls
A model training center is set up by Lady Rose, which aims to provide sex partners for men with high social status. However, Lady Rose's main purpose is to blackmail the reputable men for money. A fashion show of undergarment is held, Lady Rose's models appear in their sexiest and most seductive underwear, and men cannot stop looking for partners. The dirty business of Lady Rose is finally exposed and shakes up the city when a model is killed...
Offence Storm
Three young women struggle to survive on the streets of Hong Kong via any means necessary.
Rape in Public Sea
A boatload of smugglers are slaughtered by machinegun fire by a bunch of baddies, led by the villain Yuen Wan Tai. A group of Vietnamese refugees living in HK vow revenge on Yuen, who caused each of them harm.
Maniacal Beauty on the Loose
(as CIndy Yip)
A CAT III rated film starring Mieu Kieu Vy. The film tells about business relationships and grief in modern Hong Kong society.
Bulky Kwang and his cousin Tian are decorators who live next to pretty mainland whore Feng, who undresses every morning at the window and drives Kwang crazy. The decorators are hired for a job by Lu Lu and her maid Lin to do up the house where she's kept by businessman Robert. Lee Tian convinces Feng to pay more attention to Kwang, and the two eventually become a loving couple until her pimp Yung starts to get heavy. Meanwhile, there's lots of bed-hopping as Tian fools around with Lu Lu, Robert with Lin, as well as a couple of other guys.