Eva Bergstrom

참여 작품

Makeup Artist
유력정치인 베리와 가정을 사랑하는 그의 아내 셜리, 그리고 개구쟁이 다섯 딸까지! 이 가족은 겉으로 보기에는 단란한 가족이다. 그러나 가족에 대해 무관심한 남편 베리와 심하게 말썽을 부리는 딸들로 인해 셜리(레베카 기브니)는 급기야 정신병원에 입원하게 된다. 이에 어쩔 수 없이 베리는 의문의 여자 샤즈(토니 콜렛)를 급작스럽게 가정부로 고용하는데… 그런데 이 가정부 좀 이상하다! 담배는 물론이며 거친 입담과 좌충우돌 막가파식 행동까지! 멘붕 오는 이 가족!! 행복해질 수 있을까?
Blood Money
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Zheng Zhou is the most feared warrior from the Shaolin Dynasty in China. His fighting and weapons skills are legendary. But when his parents are killed and sister kidnapped, he turns to a life of drugs and crime that will almost kill him. With the help of Hong Kong's notorious Dragon Triad syndicate, Colombia's biggest drugs cartel hatches an elaborate plan to traffic two tonnes of crack cocaine through the Port of Miami in America and ultimately into Australia and China. But when the partnership turns sour after the Cartel holds a Triad family member hostage, the Triads recruit Zhou to rescue the girl and kill the Colombians. What ensues is a bloodied street war across three countries. Zhou turns international Hitman with an arsenal of hi-tech surveillance devices, explosives, high powered weaponry and an array of fighting skills dating back fifteen hundred years. But just as Zhou rescues the hostage and takes control of the entire drugs shipment...