Adam Goral

참여 작품

Legend of the Muse
Key Grip
A painter's life is changed forever when a mythical and deadly spirit from Celtic lore becomes his muse and lover.
Attorneys At Love
What if after meeting "the one", you get to know what happens before you commit?
The lives of three upper class teenagers are turned upside down by an unexpected murder.
The Labyrinth
A collection of original shorts exploring the unknown, the unexplained, and the unimaginable.
포스 맨 아웃
한 젊은 정비사가 이성애자인 절친들에게 자신이 동성애자임을 고백한다. 그의 커밍아웃을 받아 들인 절친들은 괜찮은 남자를 찾아 주기로 결심한다.