Bryan Quinn

Bryan Quinn


Bryan Quinn is an actor, presenter, director and musician based in Ireland.

프로필 사진

Bryan Quinn
Bryan Quinn
Bryan Quinn
Bryan Quinn

참여 작품

Bicycle Thieves: Pumped Up
Mags, a hot-headed pizza delivery cyclist who reckons herself to be entirely self-sufficient, is just about getting by during the property crisis in Dublin. When her bike is stolen and she loses her job, her eviction seems inevitable. With nowhere else to go, Mags must hunt down the thief who stole her bike and steal it right back. Mags must overcome her aversion to asking for help if she’s going to succeed, because this is no ordinary thief she’s hunting … Part investigative thriller, part heist, and part magical-realist action comedy, Bicycle Thieves: Pumped Up is a wild ride from start to finish.
The Last Right
Michael of the Jaeger Bombs
Daniel Murphy is lumbered with a corpse that has the same last name as his, who dies on his flight from Boston to County Cork. Travelling back to Ireland to attend his mother’s funeral, Daniel also checks on his autistic brother. What follows is an unconventional road trip with his brother and the mortuary assistant as they take the coffin from Clonakilty to Rathlin Island.
프로페서 앤 매드맨
Sir Richard
빅토리아 시대, 대영제국의 부활을 위해 세상을 정의할 `옥스퍼드 사전 편찬 프로젝트`가 시작된다. 책임자로 부임한 이는 수십 개의 언어를 구사하는 괴짜 교수 제임스 머리(멜 깁슨). 그는 영어를 쓰는 모든 이들로부터 단어와 예문을 모으자는 파격적인 제안을 내놓는다. 전국에서 편지가 빗발치던 어느 날, 머리는 고전을 풍부하게 인용한 수백 개 예문이 담긴 편지를 발견한다. 보낸 이는 닥터 윌리엄 마이너(숀 펜), 그의 천재적인 능력으로 불가능해 보였던 사전 편찬 작업엔 속도가 붙는다. 하지만 윌리엄이 정신병원에 구금된 미치광이라는 사실이 밝혀지게 되는데...
Dublin Oldschool
Charlie Hayes
Join Jason on a chemically enhanced trip through the streets of Dublin as he stumbles from one misguided adventure to another. Somewhere between the DJs, decks, drug busts and hilltop raves, he stumbles across a familiar face from the past, his brother Daniel. Daniel is an educated homeless heroin addict living on the streets of Dublin. The brothers haven’t seen or spoken to each other in years but over a lost weekend they reconnect and reminisce over tunes, trips, their history and their city. Two brothers living on the edge but perhaps they have more in common than they think.
The Trembling Veil of Bones