Laurent D'Elia

Laurent D'Elia

프로필 사진

Laurent D'Elia

참여 작품

Do You Do You Saint-Tropez
Saxophoniste de Joe
Every summer, the Billionaire Tranchant and his wife Eliane host the glamorous world of celebrities in their luxurious mansion in the south of France. When a criminal car sabotage related to threatening letters wreak havoc in the villa, Tranchant goes in search of the best agent for the investigation. In the middle of this hot summer, only the arrogant and incompetent agent Boullin is available... To catch the suspect and solve the mystery, he will have no choice but to impersonate a newly hired butler and will turn everyone’s vacation into a hilarious game of ‘Cluedo’!
천재 화가 고야 특급살인
Belgian Auctioneer
한 폭의 그림처럼 정교하게 꾸며진 사건 현장. 천재 화가 고야의 명화 ‘카프리초’를 그대로 모방해 잔혹하게 살해당한 피해자. 세상을 뒤흔든 전대미문의 사건을 맡게 된 형사 ‘카르멘’과 ‘에바’는 단서를 추적해나가면서 살인마의 충격적인 실체와 마주하게 되는데…
더 바운서
Nightclub Patron
클럽의 가드로 일하는 ‘루카스’는 소란을 제압하던 중, 예기치 못한 사고에 휘말린다. 무엇보다 소중한 딸을 잃을 위기에 놓인 그는 양육권을 대가로 범죄 조직에 가담하라는 제안을 받게 되는데…
더 해피 프린스
Rouen Station Announcer
In 1895, Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was the most famous writer in London, and Bosie Douglas, son of the notorious Marquess of Queensberry, was his lover. Accused and convicted of gross indecency, he was imprisoned for two years and subjected to hard labor. Once free, he abandons England to live in France, where he will spend his last years, haunted by memories of the past, poverty and immense sadness.
Nous quatre
David has a disease requiring a bone graft, for this he must find his real father. To find him, he calls on three friends he has lost sight of. They will live adventures in a journey taking them through Belgium.
My Son
Mari de Laure
Mathilde, a mother-of-three, thoughtful consultant in a Planned Parenthood Center, is visited by a 16-year-old girl who was raped at a party. Shattered when she finds out her son is being accused, she now faces a great dilemma.
Ten Minutes from Naturists
le policier du commissariat
Family caretakers Brussels advantage of the absence of his patrons to exchange a beautiful property against a holiday villa in Sunset Island ... They just did not know a small detail: Island Sunset is 100% nude! Meanwhile, the Levantains arrive in Brussels to promote a directive that could undress throughout Europe...