Ugo Piva

Ugo Piva

프로필 사진

Ugo Piva

참여 작품

The Other Way
Lieutenant Sala
Russian front, January, 1943. It's hell: the flurries of sleet take the breath away and Sergeant Bisi can make out nothing in the landscape in front of him.
Cosmic Girl
Deaf Love
Two young people, love and a wild and wonderful island populated only by deaf people. Paolo is a musician and he is totally in love with Claudia, a girl he has never actually met but with whom he texts a lot. In order to meet her, he will leave for the island where she lives and he will stand up for her and their love.
Put Grandma in the Freezer
Simone, a clumsy financier, falls in love with Claudia, who’s living on her grandma’s retirement checks. When the old lady dies Claudia hides the body in a freezer, and sets up a fraud with the help of some friends to avoid bankruptcy.
A Day in the Life
Collega Nicola
An unconventional day in Nicola’s life, which begins at the eye doctor’s and takes him around the city, his eye bandaged like a pirate’s. At home, the bakery or in his analyst’s office, the various stops on his wanderings are part of a much more complex journey however, a tightly-woven fabric in which there is the slightest of snags; a snag which stretches and unravels to finally take on a new shape. It is that awareness of being homosexual, and yet never having accepted it.
Bolgia totale
Lo straniero
Tutta colpa della musica
프론트 라인
유럽을 휩쓴 60년대 후반의 떠들썩한 정치적 사건들은 이탈리아에 특별한 흔적을 남겼다. 폭력적인 국가 전복을 위해 헌신하는 급진적인 붉은 여단은 1968년 학생 시위에서 결성되었다. 프리마 리나는 70년대 후반에 설립된 또 다른 이탈리아 테러조직으로, 그 방법은 훨씬 더 극단적이었다. 우파에 의한 쿠데타가 있을 것이라고 믿는 이탈리아 청년 세르지오 세지오는 폭력이 반드시 필요한 선택이라고 확신하며 지하로 들어간다. 그곳에서 그는 똑같이 헌신적인 수산나를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 결국 세르지오는 프리마 리나에서 정치적 극단주의자의 잔인한 전술에 환멸을 느끼게 되지만, 수산나가 잡히면서 그녀를 감옥에서 빼내기 위해 투쟁자로서 배운 수법에 의지하게 되는데..
Tornare indietro
Stefano da bambino
A painter from Turin, Stefano Faenza, arrives in Reggio Calabria on the occasion of a personal exhibition organized in his honor in Locride. Behind this initiative there is a schoolmate of his, Gino Jacona, today councillor to the culture. During the trip, on the 106 state road, that takes him from the airport to the town, Stefano remembers the period he spent in this region in the early 70s...