Zhu Ya

Zhu Ya

출생 : 1995-11-18, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China

프로필 사진

Zhu Ya

참여 작품

The First Under Heaven
Young master Liu Yunfei, owner of roasted duck restaurant, is very handsome and beloved by female fans. He fell in love with the sudden appearance of Xiaoxianer at first sight, and then confusedly took his own pig. Teammate Long Jiu embarked on the road to defeat Chen Xiu, the number one in the world; on the road, there was an entangled relationship with Chen Xiu’s daughter Chen Yuer. This wonderful relationship between a man and a woman and the humor of a group of people’s journey story.
Story of Ming City Wall
In order to benefit the people, the wealthy Shen Fu of the Ming Dynasty paid for the construction of the city wall. Unexpectedly, during the construction process, the river demon rampantly destroyed the city wall under construction, and the people were panicked for a while. To appease the people, the emperor ordered Shen Fu to offer the heirloom pot of treasures to suppress the evil spirits, and was given a three-day deadline to order Shen Fu and Li Han Yang, the left minister of the Ministry of Works, to repair the city wall. The river demon is still going around, and Shen Fu investigates with his companions to discover that there is something else going on. What is the secret behind it? While fighting the monster, how can Shen Fu solve the case within the three-day deadline?
Su Ling Ling
소정회가 가족을 데리고 성도로 가는 기차를 탔다. 출발한 지 얼마 되지 않은 기차가 쥐떼에게 공격을 당했다. 불행하게도 소정회의 아들이 물려서 혼미 상태에 빠졌다. 막내아들과 많은 물린 승객을 구하기 위해 소정회와 딸인 소정은 위험을 무릅쓰고 소백하 병원에 가고 약을 받기를 결심했다. 쥐떼와 싸우는 극한 대탈출이 시작했다.
천룡팔부: 두전창궁
Lo Xi
수사관 모용봉은 뜻하지 않게 천계를 탈출한 호교의 살인사건의 모함을 쓰게 되고 자신의 결백을 증명하기 위해 낙계와 함께 천금사로 향하지만 그곳에서 인간 세상을 뒤엎으려는 검은 음모가 도사리고 있음을 알게 된다.
Legend of Youli
Lan Dianyi
In the beginning of times, humans and demons existed side by side in peace. Thousands of years later, the master of Youli clan violently launched a war to expel mankind. After hardships, the strange men and strangers expelled them to the depths of the earth and suppressed them with the Qianyuan Immortal Formation. The former head of the Ping You Division, Yi Shui Han, guides the half-human, half-Yuli to gather the Five Noble Ones to reorganize the division. After the human skin case, the emperor also ordered to reopen the Department of Peace and Harmony to find out the truth.
Pen Fairy vs Sadako 2
Pei Ce
"Pen Fairy vs Disc Fairy 2" tells the story of Xia You (Xi Meili), a student of the Academy of Fine Arts, during a party with the "sister group" Pei Jie (Zhu Ya), Xiao Yi (Wang Yuning), and Wen Wen (Lin Yijing) After playing a psychic game, Sadako appeared by accident, and nightmares and killings were accompanied. In desperation, the sister group decided to summon the pen fairy, and a fierce battle between the ghost kings of China and Japan started again. The third part will be released soon, so stay tuned
Diao Chan VS Zombies
Hui Zi
The film tells the tortuous love story of Diao Chan and Lu Bu after various hardships in the Three Kingdoms period, praising the innocent story that is missing at the moment.