Andrew Kraulis

참여 작품

The Riverbank
Young Joe
A woman returns to her hometown following the death of her fathers second wife, which leads her to uncover dark family secrets.
Holly is a struggling singer whose life is torn apart when she loses custody of her daughter, Chloe. When she travels to her soon to be ex-husbands estate in the country, for a weekend visit with Chloe, she is shocked to discover that he is missing. The police are called and the following day, Holly is accused of the murder of her husband. Holly unwittingly finds herself at the center of a small town conspiracy and must harness all her inner strength to save her daughter and clear her name.
Cheaters' Club
Kyle / David Hartford
A controversial therapist assembles a group of discontented wives and prescribes using adultery to save their failing marriages, only to have her patients killed off one by one.
Stranger at the Door
Jamie Fisher
Katherine "Kathy" is happily married to businessman Greg Norris and lives in his beautiful home with his about 18-year old daughter Tara. When suddenly a charming young man, who Tara first saw lurking around in the garden, turns up on their doorstep claiming he must be Jamie, the baby son she once gave up for adoption as a teenage mother on her parents' orders, the couple is delighted to meet him. They even take him in as they hear his adoptive parents have died in car accident and he's looking for a place to stay during his business studies just like Greg, to pay for which he held various jobs, even in Rio. The only one who remains suspicious is Tara, who doesn't want to be the kid sister and starts looking for holes is Jamie's story, going trough his things and having a friend examine his past- there are, since he didn't tell the Norris family about his lover who helps him unconditionally with his sinister hidden agenda.
Murder Among Friends
Jamie Stockard
Private investigator Steve is being racketeered by beat cop Melvin Jarvis as divorce client. Silver spoon would be-actor Mark Woodruff is arrested for the shooting of his rich father Nathan. Only one acting class peer, Italian immigrant Isabella, truly believes in his innocence and manages without funds to hire Steve, with widow Marsha as prime suspect. However they soon find an art theft gang is involved, including Mark's youth friends, gallery keeper Brandon and his mate Jamie, who gets shot, and evil brain Alicia.
사랑보다 아름다운 유혹 2
Court Reynolds
시작은 전편의 두 주인공 세바스찬과 의붓누이인 캐서린이 처음 만나는 시점으로 거슬러 올라가 시작된다. 또 한번의 사건을 저질러 다니던 학교에서 쫓겨난 아버지와 새어머니와 살기위해 뉴욕으로 옮겨온 세바스찬을 기다리고 있는 건 왜곡된 상류사회의 기득권층으로 살아온 오만하지만 떨쳐버릴 수 없는 유혹을 발살하는 캐서린. 둘의 만남은 처음부터 순탈할 리가 없다. 생모를 버린 생부의 여성 편력에 회의를 느끼던 세바스찬은 캐서린이 학생회장으로 있는 사립학교에 다니게 되면서 모범생 다니엘과 순수한 사랑에 빠지는데, 이를 질투하는 캐서린의 방해공작과 육탄공세를 어떻게 이겨낼 수 있을지.
On Hostile Ground
A geologist (John Corbett) investigates a sinkhole under New Orleans that might engulf the city during Mardi Gras.
예일대 4학년이자 조정팀 주장인 루크 맥나마라(조슈아 잭슨)는 예일의 비밀 모임 중 최고 엘리트만 모이는 클럽에 회원으로 들어 간다. 회원 가입은 성공의 지름길처럼 보인다. 회원만 되면, 로스쿨의 학비에다 동부의 권력 중개인과 연줄도 얻을 수 있다. 하지만 이 모든 것은 루크의 룸메이트이자 가장 친한 친구인 윌(힐 하퍼)-비밀과 엘리트에 대해서 경고를 한 바로 그 사람-이 의문의 자살을 하게 되자 일이 틀어지는데...
A Touch of Hope
Hands-on healer Dean Kraft struggles for many years to come to terms with his abilities and deal with the skepticism of the medical profession.