Kenji Hayashi

참여 작품

Assassination begins with the events of 1853 when "four black ships" anchored at Edo Bay, sparking civil unrest and the major political manoeuvring that saw the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate. At a time when assassination had become a disturbing political tool, Shinoda's film follows Hachiro Kiyokawa, an ambitious, masterless samurai whose allegiances drift dangerously between the Shogunate and the Emperor.
사소한 잘못으로 상부로부터 할복 명령을 하달받은 사무라이가 그것에 저항하는 이야기. 인습과 전통에 대해 순응하는 일본 사회에 저항하는 메세지를 담은 작품.
Who Are You, Mr. Sorge?