Seo Young-Choon

Seo Young-Choon

사망 : 1986-11-01


대한민국의 전설적인 코미디안이자 배우이다.

프로필 사진

Seo Young-Choon

참여 작품

워커힐에서 만납시다
그는 한국전쟁때 잃은 딸을 찾기 위해 서울로 가던 중, 기차에서 우연히 삼룡이란 사람을 알게 된다. 서울이 초행길인 그는 삼룡에게 길안내를 부탁한다. 그리하여 두 사람은 딸을 찾아 다니는데, 어느 날 우연히 워커힐에 갔다가 그곳에서 인기가수가 되어 노래를 부르고 있는 딸을 만나 감격의 해후를 한다.
CHOI Eun-hee’s directorial debut The Girl Raised as a Future Daughter-In-Law is the story of ups and downs of a future daughter-in-law who, due to poverty, married an infant rich groom. A ruined widow’s daughter Jum-soon has no time to rest, as her mother-in-law treats her like a maid, leaving her with all the kitchen chores, house cleaning, grinding grain, and sewing, while the mother-in-law smokes a pipe and nitpicks on her. What allows Jum-soon to endure is her ‘duty as a woman’ taught to her since young and her child husband’s lovable yammering.
Woman Is Better
A feminine man, Kyuch'il, works at a hagwon. After meeting his female roommate's doctor uncle to request her hand in marriage, he is made to transition to being a woman. As a result, his female roommate marries another man. To get revenge, he goes into service as a maid at her rich father-in-law's home.
잃어버린 태양
A bar manager deals drugs on the side and tries to recruit her employees, friends and customers.