Piera is a young woman who grows up under the parentage of two extremely original overseers: both her mother and father have incestuous relations with her before they are committed to insane asylums.
A special connection, between a mother and her daughter, full of sensuality and complicity, has allowed to portray a family full of fears, rather unbalanced, but nevertheless searching infinite love.
비싼 와인과 음식이 가득한 테이블이지만 실상은 비어있다. 쇠퇴하는 진보 지 식인들이 초상, 특정 사회 계층의 행동에 관한 달콤 쌉쌀한 이야기에 여전히 현대적인 분위기, 우울, 친절, 열광이 담겨있다.