Xavier Bernabeu

참여 작품

향수: 어느 살인자의 이야기
First Assistant Director
18세기 프랑스, 악취나는 생선 시장에서 태어나자마자 고아가 된 천재적인 후각의 소유자 장 바티스트 그르누이(벤 위쇼). 난생 처음 파리를 방문한 날, 그르누이는 지금껏 경험하지 못했던 여인의 매혹적인 향기에 끌린다. 그 향기를 소유하고 싶은 강렬한 욕망에 사로잡힌 그는 향수제조사 주세페 발디니(더스틴 호프만)를 만나 향수 제조 방법을 배워나간다. 파리를 떠나 향수의 낙원이라 불리는 프랑스 남동부의 그라스에서 본격적으로 향수를 만드는 기술을 배우는 그르누이. 한편 그라스에서는 아름다운 여인들이 머리카락을 모두 잘린 채 나체의 시신으로 발견되는 의문의 살인 사건들이 연이어 발생하는데...
L'est de la brúixola
First Assistant Director
The concern of a group of people to avoid the sale of the Barcelona pension where they live is altered by the appearance of Dabashree, an Indian woman, and her 8-year-old son. The mysterious mission that Dabashree takes to Barcelona will awaken the curiosity of the inhabitants of the inn until an unexpected event will cause the woman to reveal her secret.
Second Name
First Assistant Director
After the suicide of her beloved father, the biologist Daniella Logan visits her catatonic mother in a mental institution to tell the tragic event and her mother calls her "Josephine". Daniella goes to the cemetery and finds that her father's grave had been opened and his corpse was profaned. She decides to investigate, and receives a message of a diabetic priest, Father Elias, who tells her about an ancient fanatic religious sect of followers of Abraham that kills the first child. Later, she meets a weird man, Toby Harris, who claims to be his legitimate father. Daniella continues seeking the truth about her origins and discloses very dark secrets about her family and friends.
Muere, mi vida
First Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Zabu was a dancer in a small cabaret in Bilbao. Twelve years later she is living with her daughter Lola and a small delinquent called Lino in a squalid suburb of an industrial city. She dreams of leaving for Australia.