A police profiler has just returned from psychiatric leave only to find that he is caught up in a serial killer's rampage. Fighting to keep buried the trauma of his childhood, he must confront the all too-familiar flesh masks that the killer leaves on the faces of his victims. He must face his own demons along with the killer to save his small eroding existence.
Boston, Mass. 1962. The dawn of the serial killer was at hand. Thirteen innocent women were brutally slaughtered by a faceless monster. Now, through the eyes of the killer himself, we are taken on a sadistic journey from the jail cell to the grave, reliving each terrifying event one murder at a time.
Mother Fitch (Julie Strain) and her girls have an insatiable taste for men; their flesh that is. The Delta Delta Pi sorority girls are not only the most popular and wealthy on campus, but also the most deadly. Now, as they prepare for their 20th anniversary homecoming, a meddlesome student has enlisted the help of DDP charter member Rhonda Cooper (Brinke). Together they attempt to end the sorority's reign of culinary terror that grips the California campus.
On her 18th birthday, Rebecca meets a mysterious man with magical powers. Roman, the warlock, shows her how her parents were murdered and bestows upon her the Sacred Amulet that is her birth rite. As she delves into the black arts of witchcraft, her adopted sister, Erin, fights to save her soul from the evil that has possessed her. It all ends in a showdown of good and evil as Erin and Roman battle for Rebecca.
A group of young filmmakers encounter a serial killer while shooting their first independent movie.
Gruesome true story of murderer Richard Speck who killed eight nursing students in one night in Chicago during the late sixties. The story also follows him to his prison fate and uncovers more of his strange behavior before his death.
Five friends welcome real life vampirism into their lives. They cut their own wrists and let their friends drink from them. Rod, the leader, and a very psychotic young guy, ends up killing Heathers parents and stealing their car to go on a crazy raod trip. His behaviour begins to frighten his friends, though they went along with it at first. All end up in prison except Heather.
Executive Producer
러브크래프트의 소설을 원작으로 하는 공포 영화 [좀비오]의 속편. 전편에서 죽은 사람을 되살려냈던 과학자가 이번에는 사랑 때문에 또 죽은이를 살려낸다. 시체실에서 몰래 훔쳐낸 시체조각들을 이리저리 헝겊처럼 겨우 기워서 되살려낸 여인. 그런데 문제는 살려놓고 보니, 사랑하던 여인이 아니라 괴물. 게다가 이 괴물여인이 사랑받고 싶은 본능 때문에 소동을 일으키자, 모두들 왕따시키게 되는데...
달표면 탐사를 위해 비행을 하게 되는 웨일즈와 그의 일행들은 달의 한표면, 대서양 버뮤다 삼각지역과 일치하는 지역에 빠져 비행선이 고장을 일으키게 된다. 그들은 그곳에서 떠도는 폐우주선을 발견하고 도킹을 시도하여 탈출을 도모하나 그 우주선 속에는 신에게 도전하는 버뮤다의 악령이 존재하고 있는데...
A professor and four graduate students journey to a crumbling mansion to investigate paranormal activity and must battle ghosts, aliens and satanic entities.
빌은 베벌리힐스의 부잣집 아들. 고등학교 농구부의 스타인 그는 금발의 치어리더와 애인 사이이며 모자란 것 없는 풍족한 삶을 누리고 있다. 그러나 어느 순간부터 빌은 자기가 부모나 누나와 다른 사람이라는 생각을 갖게 된다. 가족이 외계인처럼 보이는 경험을 한 뒤 그는 정신과 의사를 찾아간다. 빌의 의심은 차츰 강해진다. 부모와 누나의 대화에서 근친상간이라는 충격적 사실까지 알아낸 빌은 자기 가족만이 아니라 베버리힐스 부유층 사람들이 모두 외계인이라는 걸 깨닫는다.