Jana Kabátová

참여 작품

Microbe Hunters
Production Manager
Znásilnění pod kůží
Production Manager
Production Manager
The full-length television documentary, using currently found audio-visual records, tells the story of the fabricated political process from November 1952, the story of its victims and its masterminds. At its end, 11 executed high-ranking officials of the Communist Party of the Czech Republic, committed to the communist party, who mechanically "recited" memorized confessions and accusations of "accomplices", former friends and colleagues in front of the court in response to prearranged questions from the prosecutors and judges.
Kde bydlí strašidla
Production Manager
Televise bude!
Production Manager
Slečna Guru
Assistant Production Manager
Černá karta
Assistant Production Manager
Stará láska nerezaví
Production Assistant