Laura Scozzi

참여 작품

연대의 딸
19세기 초 스위스의 산골 마을. 전쟁 중인 이 마을에는 프랑스 제 21연대가 주둔하고 있다. 주인공 마리는 이 제 21 연대의 마스코트다. 병사들은 마리를 ‘연대의 딸’ 이라고 부르며 무척 사랑한다. 어릴 때 전쟁터에서 발견되어 연대의 보살핌을 받으며 자라난 마리는 얼마 전 벼랑에서 꽃을 따다가 미끄러져 위험에 처했을 때 한 청년이 구해주었다고 말하며, 자꾸 그 사람 생각이 나서 슬퍼한다. 한편, 병영을 엿보는 스파이로 토니오라는 청년이 체포되어 처형당할 위기에 놓인다. 이 때, 토니오를 발견한 마리는 이 청년이 자신을 구해주었다고 말하며 풀어줄 것을 요청하게 되는데...
마스네의 매혹적인 오페라가 베르트랑 드 비이의 지휘와 희극오페라 연출의 대가 로랑 펠리의 연출로 메트에서 초연된다. 로랑 펠리는 메트에서 이미 도니체티의 '연대의 딸'과 마스네의 '마농' 연출로 찬사를 받았다. 프랑스어 원제는 ‘샹드리용’이며 여주인공 신데렐라의 이름도 이 오페라 속에서는 ‘샹드리용’으로 불린다. 조이스 디도나토가 이 작품의 타이틀 롤을 맡아 자신의 메트 배역을 또 하나 첨가했다. 이 작품은 로열오페라하우스, 바르셀로나 리세우 대극장, 브뤼셀 왕립극장, 릴 오페라와 메트 오페라가 공동으로 제작했으며, 산타페 오페라에서 첫 공연이 이루어졌다.
Rameau: Les Indes galantes
Stage Director
For the launch of its DVD collection, Alpha is joining forces with Christophe Roussets Les Talens Lyriques in Rameaus opera-ballet Les Indes galantes, his most famous work, here performed in its 1750 Toulouse version. Particularly rich both on the musical level and in atmosphere, scrutinizing love in far-off lands (Turkey, Peru, Persia and America), it responds to the infatuation with exoticism that tinged all the arts of the century. Rameaus dance music is always quite suggestive, evocative of a movement or a pictorial atmosphere. As for the staging, Laura Scozzi brings her contemporary vision to these countries and travels. Filmed at the Bordeaux National Opera, this production marked the Rameau celebrations in 2014 and was unanimously hailed by the international press
Massenet composed his opera about Cenerentola nearly 80 years after Rossini did his. And if you are looking for the outburst of the non-stop hilarity and the musical jokes of Rossini, you won't find it here. Also, while the Cendrillon was highly successful and popular in its time, it does not reach up to the artistic and musical levels offered by Massenet's other operas, like Manon, or Thais or Werther. Nevertheless, this is a delightful opera and it is well presented by The Royal Opera. Laurent Pelly created a ingenious setting with movable walls which are covered [in French] with the story of Cinderella, and which open and close book-like.
The Metropolitan Opera: La Fille du Régiment
Madcap physical comedy and impeccable coloratura come together for Natalie Dessay’s indelible portrayal of the feisty tomboy raised by a regiment of French soldiers. Juan Diego Flórez is the young Swiss villager who conquers her heart—and a slew of high Cs. Also featuring uproarious performances by Felicity Palmer and Alessandro Corbelli, as well as a cameo by Tony Award winner Marian Seldes, this laugh-out-loud production was a runaway hit that left audiences exhilarated.
The prologue sets the stage for the action: Thespis, Momus and Thalie announce the subject of the play. It is a comedy mocking the folly of man...and the story of a trap set by Jupiter to cure Juno of her jealousy. The trap? It consists in convincing the water nymph Platée that Jupiter is in love with her. Mercury officially declares Jupiter’s love to Platée. When the god appears before her – first as a donkey, then an owl - the nymph calls on the birds of the marshes, but they scare Jupiter away. Luckily he quickly returns and declares his love for Platée. He even wants to marry her. La Folie comes to sing for the fiancée during an absolutely chaotic scene. However, as the couple prepares for the wedding, Juno arrives. Furious, she puts an end to the farce and ascends to the heavens with Jupiter. Humiliated, Platée understands she has been duped. She swims off into the marshes, as the chorus sings an ironic song in her honour.
La Fille du régiment - Royal Opera House
Marie was found on a battlefield as a baby, and raised by the entire 21st Regiment as their 'daughter'. Her foster-father Sulpice has decreed that she should marry a soldier from the Regiment. When Marie falls for the Tyrolean Tonio, it looks as though she may have to choose between her family and true love.