Catherine Benguigui

Catherine Benguigui

프로필 사진

Catherine Benguigui

참여 작품 2
After closing his agency and promising Flo that he would never lie to her again, Greg's new life became quiet, too quiet... Not for long! When he decides to propose to Flo, Greg is up against the wall and has to introduce his family. But with his crooked father and his ex-charm actress mother, this could ruin his future union. He has no choice but to reopen his agency with his former accomplices for an ultimate Alibi and to find more presentable fake parents.
Trop jeune pour moi
Les Déguns
Karim and Nono, two "disguises" from Marseille's neighborhoods, are locked up in a military recovery camp after a burglary. They manage to escape and go on the roads of France to find Karim's girlfriend in Saint-Tropez. Their trip will be made of meeting more delirious than the others.
미드나잇 인 파리
Maxim's Hostess
약혼녀 이네즈와 파리로 여행 온 소설가 길. 파리의 화려함을 즐기고 싶어하는 이네즈와 달리 그곳의 낭만을 좋아하는 길은 홀로 파리의 밤거리를 산책하게 된다. 12시를 알리는 종이 울리는 순간 홀연히 나타난 클래식 푸조에 올라탄 길이 도착한 곳은 놀랍게도 1920년대 파리. 그 곳에서 그는 평소에 동경하던 헤밍웨이, 피카소, 달리 등 전설적 예술가들과 친구가 되어 매일 밤 꿈 같은 시간을 보낸다. 어느 날 헤밍웨이와 피카소의 연인 애드리아나를 만나게 된 길은 예술과 낭만을 사랑하는 매혹적인 그녀에게 빠져들게 되는데...
Sweet Evil
Fifteen-year-old Céline knows more about life than is appropriate for her age. She wanders the streets, surviving, with the help of her boyfriend Romain, thanks to her defiance and ruthless practicality. She secretly sleeps in the garden house of a luxury villa, where one evening she is discovered by the owner, Judge Henri van Eyck. Despite his wife Nathalie's reticence, he takes the girl in and Céline gradually gains their goodwill and affection. The fragile balance of their mutual trust, however, comes in serious jeopardy when the web of lies the girl has told her protectors begins to unravel, revealing her real motives.
H - Best Of
Béatrice Goldberg dite «Béa», médecin du service d'orthopédie
The Box
La Gardienne
A guy has to move out in a day, completely unprepared, and drive his mum to the airport. Completely stressed out, he calls his friends for help. Short notice however results in all his friends making it with an agenda of their own.
Tony is crazy about video games. But he is arrested during a hold-up which failed, and he goes to prison for eight months. When he gets out, he contacts Valery, GameStar's boss, and offers her a new video game concept.
If you think a peeled tomato is the daughter of a Brazilian footballer, a crusty sea bass is a bad coffee and cumin is an inappropriate gesture: look no further, you're hopeless in the kitchen! This video is for you. The kitchendales, three handsome, athletic, funny, nice boys, will initiate you and teach you simple and fast recipes.
나인스 게이트
전문적인 고서 감정인 딘 코소은 유창한 말솜씨와 문화에 대한 전문적 지식, 어떤 일에 있어서도 흔들리지 않는 냉철함까지 가지고 있다. 그런 그가 어느 날부터인가 직업에 대한 이상은 버린 채 뉴욕의 뒷골목에서 부유한 수집가를 위한 희귀본을 찾아내는 일에만 전념한다. 그러던 어느 날 코소는 저명한 애서가이자 악마연구자인 보리스 볼칸으로부터 막대한 액수의 보상금을 건 제안을 받게 되는데, 그 제안은 바로 전세계에 단 세권뿐인 이란 책의 감정에 대한 것이었다. 이 책은 악마 루시퍼가 직접 집필한 것으로 알려져 중세 이후 악마를 부르는 기도서로 사용되고 있었다. 초자연적인 현상의 기대보단 단순히 눈앞에 보이는 어마어마한 돈 때문에 제안을 받아들인 코소는 볼칸의 책을 프랑스와 포루투칼에 남아있는 다른 두 권과 비교하여 진짜 루시퍼가 쓴 책을 가려내기 위한 머나먼 여정을 준비한다. 그러나 주위에서 이유 없는 폭력과 살인사건 등 기도서를 둘러싼 미스테리한 일들이 연이어 일어나자, 코소는 기도서에 대한 두려움을 느끼게 된다. 게다가 사본을 보유하던 사람들이 모두들 잔혹하게 살해당하게 되고, 그들이 보유한 기도서는 모두 불에 타 재가 되어버리는데...
Female cop
Max is a kind of modern Zadig embarked upon an existential and sentimental quest. Jewish and Russian all rolled into one, he quickly feels cramped in his native Ukraine. One day, he leaves his parents, family and enemies for the city of his dreams: Paris. He discovers the capital and the occasionally ferocious and complex ways of its natives.
Sam's Enough
Employee of the town hall
After trying a job as a stripper in a Barcelona carnival, Eva (Aure Attika) is ready for something new, so she heads over to France and becomes the roommate of a gay American artist (Phillip Bartlett) and works as the housewife for two wealthy older homosexuals (Claude Chabrol and Jean-François Balmer. After she gets settled, she takes a job at a government office for a while but then decides to have a child, which her obliging roommate makes with her the old fashioned way. He then returns to his usual preference, while Eva explores becoming an artist herself. From time to time in this easygoing comedy, Eva's similarly independent and quirky mother (Bernadette Lafont) shows up.