Executive Producer
Now well into his eighties, Delsener shows little sign of slowing down. At one point, the camera follows him as he ping-pongs across New York attending multiple concerts in one evening. His love for the work of putting on a show shines through as he drags the filmmakers through crowds and backstage so he can chat with artists and crew members. Interspersed with these present-day adventures are looks back on the highlights of Delsener’s career, reflecting his own intense nostalgia. It’s rare that a documentary so completely embodies the personality of its subject.
Executive Producer
전직 복싱 챔피언이었던 원주민이 실종된 동생을 찾기 위해 고군분투하는 이야기를 다룬 영화
Executive Producer
When an international border dispute arises between the U.S. and Canada, the Super Troopers- Mac, Thorny, Foster, Rabbit and Farva, are called in to set up a new Highway Patrol station in the disputed area.
Executive Producer
잭의 어머니와 마크의 아버지가 동거를 시작하면서 잭과 마크는 한집에 살게 된다. 친구가 별로 없었던 이 둘은 금방 친해지게 되고 이들의 우정은 어느덧 사랑으로 변화하기 시작한다. 1990년대 세 명의 10대 청소년들의 우정과 갈등을 그린 성장영화로 올해 선댄스 영화제에서 심사위원 특별상을 수상했다.
(2016년 제21회 부산국제영화제)