Emma Cunniffe
출생 : 1973-07-03, Chester, England, UK
Mrs Filcher
1923. In the heart of an old English college, Edward Williams receives an engraving of of an unknown country house with an imposing facade, a sweeping lawn - and, just perhaps, something else.
Laura Marx
밝고 지적이며 열정적이고 자유로운 엘리너는 칼 마르크스의 막내딸이다. 최초로 페미니즘과 사회주의 논제를 연결하는 시도를 한 여성 중 한 명으로, 노동 운동에 참여해 여성의 권리와 아동 노동 철폐를 위해 싸운다. 1883년, 에드워드 에이블링을 만나면서 그녀의 삶은 열정적이지만 비극적인 사랑으로 짓밟힌다.
Ettie (uncredited)
2차 세계대전 중 1940년 런던. 영국 정부는 각 가정의 사기 진작을 위해 뒹케르트 철수 작전을 다룬 선전영화를 여성적 감수성을 가미해 제작하기로 한다. 이를 위해 고용된 공무원 작가 카트린. 메인 작가 톰은 그녀의 노력과 재능을 알아주지만, 정작 그녀의 남편은 월세를 벌어 오는 것은 카트린인데도 그녀의 직업을 무시한다. 항상 거들먹거리며 카트린만 찾는 한때 인기배우 엠브로스와 각양각색의 배우들 그리고 그녀를 믿지 않는 동료 스태프. 과연 이들은 폭탄이 떨어지는 전쟁의 한복판에서 온 국민의 마음을 따뜻하게 만들 영화를 만들 수 있을까?
An animated animal couple tries to resolve their problems.
Claire Connolly
A drama based on the true story of Angela Cannings, who was wrongly convicted of killing two of her children, on the basis of "expert witness" evidence about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Cot Death Syndrome) which has since been discredited.
Tania Bower
Though around them a criminal world seethes, Julie and Antonio are a young and loving couple with a new baby and a solid, white-collar sense of stability. But when a loose social connection suddenly ties them to a major political assassination, the two become innocents desperately trying to adapt to a world of murderous politicians and police that, moment to moment, threatens their lives
Cath Broughton
A man who was adopted at birth traces his real parents, and discovers that they have severe learning disabilities and do not know he exists.
Drama set in 1911 about a love triangle concerning a father, his son and their maid, Jane.
Christine Rearden
Psychological thriller about a woman child-protection officer tramautized by her stillbirth who befriends a woman in hospital and then becomes convinced that the daughter is being abused.
Two young people, Daniel and Samantha, are selected in a television show to marry. They have never seen each other ever. After the wedding ceremony took place on television, then married life really starts. To collect the price money of one million pounds, they have to stay together for at least six months.
Kathy Enfield
A bank employee, Laura Tracey, places herself and her family in mortal danger after reporting irregularities in the firm's overseas accounts to the National Criminal Intelligence Service. She learns that the money belongs to South American drug cartels, and her family are immediately taken into the Witness Protection Program and relocated.
A young boy called Pip stumbles upon a hunted criminal who threatens him and demands food. A few years later, Pip finds that he has a benefactor. Imagining that Miss Havisham, a rich lady whose adopted daughter Estella he loves, is the benefactor, Pip believes in a grand plan at the end of which he will be married to Estella. However, when the criminal from his childhood turns up one stormy night and reveals that he, Magwitch, is his benefactor, Pip finds his dreams crumbling. Although initially repulsed by his benefactor, Pip gradually becomes loyal to him and stays with him until his death.
Drained Young Woman (Steal Away)
Nine short stories based on the true experiences of London Underground passengers.
A manager hires Ray, off the books, to paint all the power towers in a 15-mile stretch of high-tension wires outside Sheffield. Ray's crew of men are friends, especially Ray with Steve, a young Romeo. Into the mix comes Gerry, an Australian with a spirit of adventure and mountain climbing skills. She wants a job, and against the others' advice, who don't want a woman on the job, Ray hires her. Then she and Ray fall in love. He asks her to marry him, gives her a ring. Steve's jealous; Ray's ex-wife complains that he spends on Gerry, not his own kids, and she predicts that Gerry won't stay around. Plus, there's pressure to finish the job fast. Economics, romance, and wanderlust spark the end.
Noreen / Nellie
A magic ruby ring transports fifteen-year-old Lucy (Emily Hamilton) one hundred years back in time to a castle, where she's a servant girl. Christian Anholt, Emma Cunniffe, Gillian Kearney, Judy Parfitt and Rutger Hauer costar in this enchanting family film.