에도 시대 초기, 백년에 걸친 전국시대를 평정한 도쿠가와, 하지만 아직도 천하 통일의 꿈을 꾸는 다이묘들에 의해 마침 평화의 시대에 존재의 이유를 찾지 못하던 닌자들의 암약이 이루어지는데. 이러한 움직임을 알게 된 장군 명에 의해 검신으로 일컬어지는 야규 쥬베에는 음모를 파해치기 위해 여행을 떠난다.
It is difficult to stand out at a Ginza club where every hostess wants to be number one. It is competitive. One of them is a virgin and also just eighteen years old. She wants to become the number one hostess to help pay the bills for her family. She advertises herself as 'virginity for sale.' It is an auction and the prize goes to the highest bidder. She doesn't have hostess skills however. The club's manager was the number one hostess in all of Ginza and helps the younger woman.