Loreto Vuskovic

참여 작품

쟈니의 100페소
Costume Design
강도죄로 교도소에서 20년을 복역하고 출소한 '요니'. 그런 요니 앞에 자기가 요니의 아들이라는 청년 '후안'이 나타난다. 그리고 출소 후 당장 갈 데가 없으면 자기와 함께 머무르자고 한다. 후안은 알고 보니 마약상으로 돈을 벌고 있었고, 그렇게 알게 된 단골 여자 고객 '바바라'의 호화 저택에 같이 머물고 있었다. 그러던 어느날 후안은 바바라의 집에 수금을 하러 온 건달과 몸싸움을 하던 도중 사망하게 하고, 이를 발견한 요니는 아들을 도와 시신을 숨긴 다음, 바바라와 후안과 함께 도망친다. 하지만 얼마 못 가 죽은 건달의 보스에게 덜미를 잡히게 되는데... 보스 '모니'는 요니 일행에게 대신 부잣집 딸을 납치하라고 협박을 한다. 이에 요니와 일행은 원치 않는 납치극에 가담하게 된다.
El inquisidor
Costume Design
During 1648, a dreaded commissioner of the Holy Inquisition arrives at Santiago. Social, political and religious life is shaken when six respected and married women are accused of committing the sin of fornication.
Costume Design
칠레의 산티아고. 퇴근 후 밤마다 싱글 클럽에서 춤을 추는 글로리아. 여전히 찬란한 제2의 인생을 꿈꾸는 그녀는 어렵사리 한 남자를 만나 연애의 단 꿈에 빠져든다. 그러나 그녀가 꿈꾸던 멋진 신사가 아니라는 것을 깨닫고 둘의 사랑은 위기를 맞는데…
Costume Designer
María Luisa Bombal is an underground writer in the early twenties trying to reconcile her passionate and very sexual lifestyle with her life as a socialite among Santiago's very conservative elite.
Costume Design
Teresa Wilms Montt is a writer, a rebellious woman, tormented and beautiful. He marries at age 17 challenging family opposition. She falls in love with someone she should not and the family court condemns her to confinement in a convent. Separated from her two daughters, she escapes to Buenos Aires with Vicente Huidobro. From that flight her life becomes an exciting and tragic itinerary.
Teresa Wilms Montt is a writer, a rebellious woman, tormented and beautiful. He marries at age 17 challenging family opposition. She falls in love with someone she should not and the family court condemns her to confinement in a convent. Separated from her two daughters, she escapes to Buenos Aires with Vicente Huidobro. From that flight her life becomes an exciting and tragic itinerary.
Radio Corazón
Radio Corazón recreates Chile's most successful radio show of all time. Composed of 3 fun, sexy and romantic short films based on true stories as told by the show's listeners to "Rumpy", an unparalleled radio host.
Casa de remolienda
Bar Waitress
Concerned about the future of her three children, a widow takes them to the city with the purpose of getting them married.
Casa de remolienda
Costume Design
Concerned about the future of her three children, a widow takes them to the city with the purpose of getting them married.
Mi mejor enemigo
Costume Designer
After losing their bearings, a group of Chilean soldiers learns some lessons about their enemy's humanity in this dark comedy set during the 1970s war between Chile and Argentina. Digging in where they are, the troop soon discovers a nearby Argentinean platoon. Unsure how to handle the situation, the two groups start passing notes via a stray dog, and eventually achieve a wary camaraderie.
El aspado
A ruthless thief has a change of heart after being mortally wounded and wants to carry the town's cross on the Way of the Cross in order to save his soul.
El último disparo del Negro Chávez
A young horse-tamer is wrongly accused of theft.
Mi último hombre
A female television journalist has a strange affair with a terrorist.
Johnny One Hundred Pesos
Based on real events, 17-year-old Johnny García becomes involved with four older thugs who are planning to rob a money-laundering business masquerading as a video store. As they try to escape, a swarm of exploitative media attention awaits.