Peter Firth

Peter Firth

출생 : 1953-10-27, Bradford, Yorkshire, England, UK


​Peter Firth is a British film and television actor best known for the films Tess, Equus and The Hunt for Red October, and for playing spymaster Harry Pearce in the BBC TV series Spooks and its movie spin-off Spooks: The Greater Good.

프로필 사진

Peter Firth

참여 작품

해필리 에버 애프터
When Heather and Sarah Ann were growing up they told each other every secret. But Heather left their small town on the last day of high school vowing never to return. Forced to come back when her father becomes ill, the young documentary filmmaker is pressured into filming Sarah Ann's wedding video. Heather is convinced that the edgy filmmaker and bubbly pink-wearing bride have nothing in common, but as the big day approaches she finds that no one is quite what they seem – especially the old friend she thought she knew better than anyone.
Pontius Pilate
피로 물든 예루살렘의 골고다 언덕. 로마군의 수장 클라비우스(조셉 파인즈)는 십자가에 못 박힌 예수의 처형을 명한다. 로마군은 예수의 시신을 돌무덤에 봉인하고, 누구의 접근도 허락하지 않는다. 하지만 3일 뒤, 예수의 시신은 흔적 없이 사라지고, 예수가 로마로부터 이스라엘을 구하기 위해 메시아로 부활했다는 희망의 소리가 점차 거세진다. 예수의 시신을 찾아야만 모든 것을 뒤덮을 수 있는 클라비우스는 보좌관 루시우스(톰 펠튼)와 함께 사라진 예수의 3일간의 행적을 뒤쫓기 시작하는데.... 위대한 인류구원의 역사, 감춰졌던 놀라운 여정이 펼쳐진다!
스푹스: MI5
Harry Pearce
1급 테러리스트 탈주 사건으로 사상 최악의 위기에 빠진 영국 특수 정보국 MI5. 전 세계의 이목이 집중된 가운데, MI5 내부 스파이가 이 사건과 연결되어 있다는 것을 직감한 대테러 부장 해리는 자살로 위장한 채 자취를 감춘다. 탈주한 테러리스트는 MI5와 영국을 타겟으로 48시간 내 테러를 예고하고, MI5는 신분이 노출되지 않은 전직 요원 윌에게 임무를 맡기게 된다. 이 사실을 알게 된 해리는 윌을 통해 MI5 내부 스파이를 찾으려 하지만 윌은 해리가 테러리스트와 거래를 했다는 사실을 알고 그를 의심하게 되는데...
내 생애 최고의 경기
Lord Northcliffe
1913년 US 오픈 당시 영국 챔피언 해리 바든을 꺾고 우승한 20세 프랜시스 위멧의 감동 실화를 그린 영화.
Sir Fred Hoyle
The story of Professor Stephen Hawking's early years. It is 1963, and our young cosmologist celebrates his 21st birthday. At the party is a new friend, Jane Wilde - there is a strong attraction between the two. Jane is intrigued by Stephen's talk of stars and the Universe. But she realises that there is something very wrong when Stephen suddenly finds that he is unable to stand up.
Me and Mrs. Jones
Tabloid journalist Liam Marple, sets about to dig up dirt on Laura Bowden, the new British Prime Minister. Posing as a political fundraiser, Liam gains entrance into Number 10 Downing, where he promptly wins the confidence of the idealistic PM.
Mervyn Bennion
테네시주에 사는 두명의 젊은이 레이프 맥컬리(Captain Rafe McCawley: 벤 에플렉 분)와 대니 워커(Captain Danny Walker: 조쉬 하트넷 분)는 어릴 적부터 형제처럼 자란 죽마고우이다. 이 둘은 자라서 둘다 미공군 파일럿이 되고, 레이프는 미해군에서 근무하는 아름답고, 용기있는 간호사 에벌린 스튜어트(Nurse Lieutenant Evelyn Stewart: 케이트 베킨세일 분)와 사랑에 빠진다.
The Magicians
Simon Magus
A magician searches for his successor to fight evil.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Masks of Evil
In the seventeenth film in the series, in 1918, a top-secret mission for French Intelligence brings Indy to Istanbul. Exploring the city's dark and dangerous streets, he is thrust into a web of betrayal and murder when he discovers a vile Turkish plot to assassinate French espionage agents. Evil of a more enduring kind awaits him in Transylvania, where he engages in mortal combat with bloodthirsty Vlad the Impaler and his horrific army of the living dead. With his very life at stake, Indy must garner all his strength and wits in order to defeat the fiend and save mankind.
칠 팩터
Col. Andrew Brynner
혼아일랜드, 리차드 박사와 브라이너 장군은 화씨 50도에 반응하는 ‘엘비스’라는 화학 무기 실험을 준비하고 있다. 리차드 박사는 브라이너 장군의 만류에도 불구하고 아직 불안정한 단계의 엘비스 폭발 실험을 감행하고 결국 실험은 실패로 끝난다. 이 사고로 섬의 비밀 군사 실험 기지를 지키던 수 십명의 군인들이 모두 몰살당하고, 브라이너 장군은 실험 실패의 모든 책임을 떠 맡고 군법회의에 회부된다. 10년뒤, 브라이너 장군은 출감 뒤 리차드 박사에게 복수하기 위해 박사를 찾아가고 박사는 '엘비스'를 들고 도주한다. 라치드 박사는 출감 뒤 리차드 박사에게 복수하기 위해 박사를 찾아가고 박사는 '엘비스'를 들고 도주한다. 리차드 박사는 큰 부상을 입고 '엘비스'를 친구인 메이슨(스킷 울리히)에게 맡긴다. 메이슨은 때마침 함께 있던 아이스크림 배달부 알로(쿠바 구딩 주니어)와 '엘비스'를 들고 브라이너 장군을 피해 도주한다. 메이슨과 알로는 아이스크림 트럭에 엘비스를 싣고, 험난한 산길을 따라 도주하고 브라이너 장군 일당의 집요한 추격은 계속된다. 더 이상 '엘비스'를 안전 온도에서 보관 할 수 없게 되고, 그 어떤 핵 폭탄 보다 위력적인 '엘비스'의 폭발 시간은 시시각각 다가오는데. 이제 화씨 49.9°메이슨과 알로를 노리는 브라이너 장군의 위협속에서 '엘비스'의 폭발 시간은 모두의 숨통을 조여온다.
마이티 조 영
조는 고아인 질과 마치 한가족처럼 함께 자란다. 중앙아프리카 정글을 탐사하던 동물학자 그레그 오하라는 키가 15피트나 되는 조를 보고 깜짝 놀란다. 그레그는 질와 함께 밀렵꾼의 표적이 된 조를 보호하기 위해 조를 캘리포니아의 동물보호소로 옮기지만, 밀렵꾼들의 추적은 그칠 줄 모른다. 하지만 밀렵꾼들은 돈이 되는 조를 쫓아 질의 일행을 추격한다. 새로운 환경과 스트레스로 탈출한 조. 거대한 덩치로 LA 도시 한 복판에 떨어진 조는 당황하고, LA는 혼란에 휩싸인다. 질과 그렉은 조를 안심시키고 보호소에 안전하게 데려다 주기 위해 동분서주 하는데...
Captain Fitzgerald
칠흑 같이 어두운 밤, 흑인들의 지도자격인 신케이는 쇠고랑을 푸는 데 성공하고 아미스타드 선상의 반란을 주도한다. 잔혹한 학살극이 벌어지고 흑인들은 아프리카로 데려다 줄 두 명의 백인 선원만을 살려둔다. 하지만 결국 그들에게 속아 아프리카가 아닌 미국의 코네티컷주에 상륙한다. 흑인 노예들에게는 이미 살인자라는 무거운 죄목이 내려져 있는 상태이다. 그리고 이들에 대한 재판이 진행됨에 따라 자유를 위한 싸움의 긴 여정이 펼쳐지는데...
The Garden of Redemption
Nazi Commandant
A priest struggles with his religious beliefs as he sees his countrymen murdered in Nazi occupied Italy and as he becomes attracted to a woman operating in the resistance.
Marco Polo: Haperek Ha'aharon
In the midst of a war between Venice and Genoa, Marco Polo, a citizen of Venice, is imprisoned by the inquisition and is charged with heresy.
1st Officer Roald Jensen
Eco-terrorists attack a ship carrying toxic waste.
The Witch's Daughter
While visiting the island of Skua, reliable Tim (Richard Claxton) and his blind sister Janey are joined by a waif-like "witch" named Perdita (Sammy Glenn) in an effort to foil a gang of jewel thieves. Patrick Bergin and Peter Firth costar in this fun-filled family adventure.
An Awfully Big Adventure
Liverpool. 1947. Right after World War II, a star struck naive teenage girl joins a shabby theatre troupe in Liverpool. During a winter production of Peter Pan, the play quickly turns into a dark metaphor for youth as she becomes drawn into a web of sexual politics and intrigue and learns about the grown-up world of the theater.
White Angel
Leslie Steckler
Ellen Carter's career is on the rocks. She hasn't written a worthy novel since her husband went missing and she was suspected by the police of murdering him. To top it all off, she has reason to believe that her new tenant Leslie Steckler is the serial killer responsible for a number of deaths in the region. But what she doesn't know is that, in the meantime, Steckler has discovered a little secret about her...
Dr Craig
1952년 영국. 옥스포드 대학의 영어영문학과 독신 교수 잭 루이스는 명석하고 이성적인 성격의 소유자다. 그의 관심은 오직 지적 토론일 뿐 사교적인 부분에는 흥미가 없다. 그러던 그는 미국 시인이자 작가인 조이 그레샴을 만나면서 호감을 느끼나 주저하게 되는데, 조이가 방탕한 남편과 이혼하기 위해 미국으로 돌아가자 루이스는 조이를 그리워한다. 몇 개월 후 조이는 미국에서 이혼을 하고 런던에 정착한다. 그러나 가슴에 묻어둔 감정은 쉽게 표현되지 않고 조이의 8세된 아들 더글라스와 가까워진다. 잭은 그녀의 체류만료 시효일을 앞두고 그녀와 계약결혼을 하고, 마침내 잭의 감정에 변화가 있게 되지만 그녀는 이미 골수암에 걸려 사형선고를 받은 상태다. 그녀의 죽음을 앞두고 진정한 사랑을 깨닫게 된 잭은 조이와 정식 결혼을 하게 되는데..
The Perfect Husband
Dostoevsky-inspired drama set in 1900s Prague about a bored arrogant playboy who spends time seducing other men's wives and dueling. He begins an affair with his friend's wife, but falls in love with her.
The Pleasure Principle
Part relationship drama and part sex comedy follows a middle-aged man who loves women and sex and can't stop cheating. He gets a divorce from his angry wife, but then cheats on his lovers. However, one of them decides to get even.
The Laughter of God
Amanda Donohoe and Peter Firth star in Tony Bicât’s unnerving thriller about a poisoned marriage in which both people are locked in passionate affairs and fantasizing about murder
Prisoner of Honor
Maj. Henry
France, 1897. Colonel Georges Picquart challenges the French government when he discovers the obscure political maneuvers that led to the imprisonment of the Jewish Captain Alfred Dreyfus after being convicted of espionage in 1894.
코디와 생쥐구조대
Red (voice)
오스트레일리아의 작은 집에서 어머니와 함께 살고 있는 코디는 동물 친구들과 함께 밀렵꾼들에 잡힌 동물들을 구조하는 일을 하는 평범한 남자아이다. 어느 날 팔로의 긴급 호출을 들은 코디는 황금독수리 마라후테가 악명 높은 밀렵꾼 퍼시벌 맥클리치에게 잡혔다는 이야기를 듣고 친구들과 함께 마라후테를 구하러 간다. 밧줄을 끊던 중 마라후테가 갑자기 흥분해 떨어질 위기에 놓이던 그 때 마라후테의 도움으로 목숨을 건지고 그녀와 친해진다. 마라후테는 자신을 구해준 코디에게 자신의 깃털을 선물하지만 돌아오던 길에 매클리치에게 들킨 코디는 매클리치에게 유괴당하고 마는데...
Jake Stern
The bodies turn out to be very radioactive. A sheriff and reporter start to investigate ...
Children Crossing
Is Joe really having an affair - or is Rosie imagining it all? A story of sexual jealousy, betrayal and vengeance - an emotional journey which keeps you guessing to the bitter end.
The Incident
Small town lawyer, Harmon Cobb, defends a Nazi prisoner of war against murder charges. Set during World War II, Cobb has to contend with the difficulties of defending the devil when the town's only doctor (Barnard Hughes) dies while at "Camp Bremen" in the fictitious town of Bremen, Colorado.
붉은 10월
Ivan Putin
시베리아에서 부는 찬 바람이 매섭게 스치는 소련의 잠수함 기지(Soyiet Sub Base) 북쪽 무르만스크항(Murmansk) 근처의 폴리자르니 해협(Polijarny Inlet). 최신 핵잠수함 '붉은 10월'가 해저 훈련을 떠난다. 이 잠수함에 새로 설치된 소음 제거 장치의 실험을 위해 시험용으로 발진한 것이다. 그러나 이것을 속임수일 뿐이고, 사실은 함장 라미우스(Marin Ramius : 숀 코넬리 분)와 부함장이 미국으로 망명하기 위한 구실이었다. 초고속으로 해저 항진을 해도 아무 소리가 들리지 않는 가공할 만한 잠수함이 갑자기 항로에서 실종되자 소련과 미국에서 비상사태가 시작된다. 소련의 모스크바 정부에서는 붉은 10월을 폭파하기 위해 전함대를 동원하고, 미국의 워싱턴 정부는 이 잠수함이 핵탄두를 실은 채 미국 전역을 강타하려는 것이 아닌가 하는 불안에 사로잡혀 추격 명령을 내린다. 이제 미.소의 추격전 속에서도 붉은 10월은 미국 동부해안으로 항진을 계속하는데...
Trouble in Paradise
In the harbor of Rotterdam, an action group called "Redpeace" discovers illegal weapon transports. Those are executed by shipping-trade Kusters Shipping Company. The discovery is annoying for Ann Kusters, the wife of Erik Kusters. She functions as a translator with the European parliament. It gets even worse when Ann is discovered and photographed while she's having an intimate rendez-vous with a french politician, whose investigating the illegal weapon transports. Short after, the man is found dead...
Tree of Hands
A woman is attempting to cope with her son's tragic death when her mother arrives on an ill-timed visit with her own remedies.
Prisoner of Rio
Clive Ingram
The story of the great train robber Ronald Biggs.
Born of Fire
Paul Bergson
For reasons unknown, a flautist and an astronomer find themselves drawn to one another. But, when the flautist stumbles upon a secret regarding his late father, the two wind up in a celestial duel against the ancient Master Flautist for earth's future.
A State of Emergency
This story is about a crusading scientist out to stop nuclear testing who is motivated by scientific fact, conscience and faith. Dr. Alex Carmody (Martin Sheen) is a physicist who becomes convinced that if the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. continue to test nuclear weapons, eventually one of these tests will set off an atomic chain reaction that will obliterate the world. Carmody travels to Portugal where he tries talks to one of the women who in 1911 saw a vision of the Virgin Mary that spoke to her and her two companions about the future. Carmody is certain that the Virgin Mary predicted the very chain reaction he and his co-worker Dr. Kenneth Parrish (Peter Firth) envision. Failing in his attempt to talk to the woman, Carmody then travels to Paris and elsewhere, warning Soviet and American officials that the tests they are planning should be cancelled before they become their last.
Northanger Abbey
Henry Tilney
A tale of intrigue, adventure and romance, this enchanting, remastered dramatization captures the romance of Jane Austin's classic novel "Northanger Abbey".
Letter to Brezhnev
The factories, pubs, clubs, hotels and streets of 1980s Liverpool form the backdrop for this tale of love, friendship, sex and a letter to the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev. Two Liverpool lasses, Teresa and Elaine meet two Russian sailors, Sergei and Peter and hook up for a night of fun and frolics. Teresa is looking for sex and a smile, Elaine wants love, romance and the dream of a life far away from the grime of the Liverpool docklands. A classic British romantic comedy filled with new wave tunes, 80s fashion, a little politics and a lot of heart.
Col. Colin Caine
헬리 혜성 탐사팀인 영국 우주선 처칠호는 전라의 여자와 남자가 캡슐 속에 있는 것을 발견한다. 한편 처칠호가 증발하자 미국 콜럼비아 우주선이 처칠호를 발견하고 그 외계인의 시체를 지구로 가져오는데...
White Elephant
Peter Davidson
This film was made entirely in Ghana and consists of documentary scenes and a fictitious story about a British engineer who wants to import microchips to Africa. But the reaction of the blacks to his plans to build a fully automatic plastic furniture factory surprises him. His faith in technocracy stands opposed to what they know about the environment. When the conflict has reached its climax, a spell is cast upon him... finally, he gives up... but his attitude toward Africa has changed for the better.
The Aerodrome
In the future England is ruled by a fascist government, and one day the leaders begin the construction of a heavily guarded, mysterious airport. BBC adaptation of Rex Warner's 1941 novel of the same name. A stereotypical village in a somewhat alternative England is taken over wholesale by 'The Air Force.' Living in the village is young Roy, who has just learned he is not who he thought he was. Attempting to forge a new sense of identity, he joins the dashing Air Force, seduced by its dynamism and direct and brutal ways.
Another Flip for Dominick
Dominick Hide
Now a respected teacher of temporal observers, Dominick has not visited the past for several years. He is content with his lot, resigned to the idea that he will never again see Jane, the lover he left in 1980, or their son. Then his boss gives him a new mission: to find out what has become of one of Dominick's students, Pyrus Bonnington, who has gone missing in 1982.
Fire and Sword
The young knight Tristan is injured in a fight in Ireland and cared for by the beautiful Isolde. He falls in love with her, unaware that she is the daughter of the Irish king.
The Flipside of Dominick Hide
Dominick Hide
Dominick Hide, a time traveller from the year 2130, is studying the London transport system of 1980. Time travellers are supposed to be observers, and are strictly forbidden to land their flying saucers. One time traveller who broke this rule accidentally killed a dog, changing history and causing many future people to disappear. Inspired by his Great Aunt Mavis, Dominick decides to find his great great grandfather. He begins to land in 1980, where his strange clothes and speech make him seem an eccentric oddball. His quest brings him into contact with beautiful boutique owner Jane, and they fall in love. As Dominick's visits become more frequent and more prolonged, he increasingly risks his indiscretion being discovered by his boss, Caleb Line, and every moment he spends in the past increases the danger that he will catastrophically change the future
Angel Clare
꽃보다 아름답고 별처럼 순수한 여인 테스는 어려운 집안 살림 때문에 부유한 더버빌 가에 하녀로 보내진다. 하지만 그녀에게 반한 주인 아들 알렉에게 강제로 순결을 빼앗기고 원치 않는 관계에 빠진다. 그를 피해 고향으로 돌아온 테스는 새로 일하게 된 농장에서 목사의 아들 앤젤을 만나 운명적 사랑을 느끼지만 지울 수 없는 과거 때문에 괴로워 하는데…
When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder?
Stephen Ryder
A drug dealer's car breaks down in a small U.S. town. In turn, the town's people become victim to his unique brand of physical and mental torture.
Alan Strang
말의 눈을 찔러 잔혹하게 죽인 소년이 있었다. 그 소년은 이후 계속하여 악몽에 시달리게 되고 결국 정신 이상 상태가 되어 심각한 상황에 빠진다. 이렇게 정신이상이 된 소년을 한 의사가 정성껏 치료한다.
Joseph Andrews
Joseph Andrews
Lady Booby alias 'Belle', the lively wife of the fat landed squire Sir Thomas Booby, has a lusty eye on the attractive, intelligent villager Joseph Andrews, a Latin pupil and protégé of parson Adams, and makes him their footman. Joseph's heart belongs to a country girl, foundling Fanny Goodwill, but his masters take him on a fashionable trip to Bath, where the spoiled society comes mainly to see and be seen, but drowns in the famous Roman baths. When the all but grieving lady finds Joseph's Christian virtue and true love resist her lusting passes just as well as the many ladies who fancy her footman, she fires the boy. He's found and nursed by an innkeeper's maid, which stirs lusts there, again besides his honorable conduct, but is found by the good parson.
The Lady of the Camellias
Armand Duval
The doomed love story between Marguerite Gautier, a French courtesan frequented by high-class gentlemen, who is suffering from tuberculosis, and a young gentleman Armand Duval who's new in town.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Dorian Gray
In Victorian England, handsome Dorian Gray (Peter Firth) makes a Faustian deal that his portrait painted by Basil Hallward (Jeremy Brett) will age while he remains young. But his vain bargain eventually leads to murder and destroys Gray's life. This 1976 installment of the BBC's long-running "Play of the Month" television series co-stars Gwen Ffrangcon Davies, Judi Bowker and John Gielgud as Lord Henry Wotton.
여정의 끝
Lt. Stephen Croft
The first World War is in its third year and aerial combat above the Western Front is consuming the nation's favored children at an appalling rate. By early 1917, the average life-span of a British pilot is less than a fortnight. Such losses place a fearsome strain on Gresham, commanding officer of the squadron. Aces High recreates the early days of the Royal Flying Corps with some magnificently staged aerial battles, and sensitive direction presents a moving portrayal of the futilities of war.
King Arthur, the Young Warlord
This is the inspiring, epic journey of a noble warrior's quest to prove his worth, his might, and his destined fate to become the next ruler of Britain.
Her Majesty's Pleasure
They are all 'in' for life so the pleasures are sparse, and strictly of their own making.Their really big event is the Christmas pantomime, only this year they have lost their star. Mother Bear has escaped. Still, there is some consolation. The new arrival looks a likely Goldilocks. "There's one or two who'll be after him", says Woodbine - and he knows all their weaknesses.
Diamonds on Wheels
Robert 'Bobby' Stewart
Three kids get mixed up with jewel thieves and stolen diamonds in a 24-hour road rally.
Daniele and Maria
Directed by the Oscar-winning screenwriter Ennio De Concini, Daniele e Maria (1973) is the tale of a forbidden romance between a rich and reclusive boy and the poor girl whose kindness opens up his formerly sheltered life. As the familiar setup from Romeo and Juliet suggests, the romance can only have a tragic ending as Maria is whisked away from her love and is forced into a loveless marriage organized by the rich family sheltering Daniele…
브라더 썬 씨스터 문
아씨시 갑부의 아들 프란치스코는 전쟁에 출정했다가 그 참혹함에 충격을 받고 목숨만 부지한 채 귀향한다. 인간의 비참과 가난에 눈을 뜬 프란치스코는 자기 옷과 재산을 가난한 이들에게 나누어주고 아버지와 결별하여 폐허가 된 산 다미아노 성전을 재건한다. 그리고 가난과 자유의 복음을 교황에게 전한다.