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A pair of old west cowboys become fighter pilots in World War I.
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Banerjee stars as Ram Das, a jobless Indian man who, tired of life in Calcutta, steals money from his father in order to afford a passage to Britain and while there, falls in love with a white woman.
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나치당을 창설하고 히틀러의 심복이었던 루돌프 헤스가 서베를린 연합국 관할 구역내의 스판다우 감옥에 갇힌지 40여 년, 영국의 특수정보대 맥켄 대장은 2차 대전 당시 헤스와 영국 지도자 사이에 있었던 비밀 협상의 내막을 밝히기 위해 헤스를 감옥에서 구출할 계획을 세운다. 사건을 맡은 특수요원 마이클과 그의 여동생 캐시는 직업 용병인 하다드를 고용다. 하다드는 같은 직업 용병인 폴크너와 함께 이 사건에 뛰어든다. 그러나 소련측은 영국군 정보장교를 매수하고 전문 테러리스트를 고용하여 집요하게 헤스를 가로채려고 한다. 치열한 두뇌 싸움과 총격전 끝에 하다드와 폴크너는 헤스를 탈출시키는데 성공하지만 이미 90노인이 된 헤스는 과거의 비밀에 대해 굳게 입을 다문 채 스스로 감옥으로 되돌아 간다.
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Mickey Almon is a sports star turned reporter covering the athletics in Moscow. Framed by the KGB and forced to confess that he was spying for America, he is sentenced to detention in a Gulag, a barbaric prison camp in the wilds of Siberia. Unable to prove his innocence, Mickey must either put up with the inhuman conditions or engineer an escape.
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1982년 캘리포니아, 1984년의 쿠웨이트. 사람 좋은 와일러는 '디프-자이로'라는 미사일 유도 시스템 개발 엔지니어. 그러나 디프-자이로 개발이 쉽지 않아 다른 부서 직원들로부터 여러 압력을 받다가 급기야 회사의 존폐가 이 부품 개발에 죄우될 형편에 처하게 된다. 어느날, 실의에 빠져 술을 마시던 와일러는 우연히 같은 분야에서 일하는 홀츠만이란 남자를 만나게 되고 무심결에 그에게 디스켓을 받게된다. 다음 날, 회사에서 그 디스켓 디프-지이로 디자인이 들있는 것을 발견하고, 와일러는 새로운 디자인을 개발한 장본인으로 둔갑하여 영웅 대접을 받는다. 하지만, 술집에서 만났떤 남자 홀츠만은 다음날, 살해된 채 발견되고, 와일러는 자축 리셉션장에서 홀츠만의 디자인을 사기로 했다가 홀츠만에게 바람맞은 해외 첩자 제프를 만난다. 그에게 디자인을 돌려주기로 하고 약속 장소에 나간 와일러는 FBI의 도움으로 디프도 찾고 목숨도 구하지만, 디프 디자인에 결함이 있다는 사실을 알게되는데..
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동독은 특별 작전 수행을 위해 세계 이목을 끌 문화 축제를 개최하려는 계획을 세운다. 그래서 소련에서 테너 빌렛니코프, 미국에서는 인기챠트 톱40에 1, 2, 3위을 휩쓸고 온갖 주간지의 표지 인물이 된 정상의 록콘롤 가수 닉 리버스를 초청한다.
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늙은 마법사 율리히는 지구 상의 마지막 마법사이다. 그의 제자 갤런(Galen: 피터 맥니콜 분)은 견습 마법사로 혼자 설 수 없는 처지이다. 이때 이웃나라에는 가공할 용 버미트랙스의 횡포에 산 처녀를 제물로 바치는 고통을 받고 있었다. 이 용에 맞설 유일한 희망은 마법사 이 제자 갤런이 괴물과 대결하는데...
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A nervous ad executive creates havoc on his daughter's wedding day and becomes obsessed with a dream girl he keeps seeing everywhere but whom he can't catch.
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A romantic comedy with action and suspense. Two sophisticated jewel thieves join forces to steal $30 million in uncut jewels. Despite a continuous exchange of quips they eventually become romantically involved.
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런던에서 디스코텍을 경영하는 폰테인(Fontaine Khaled: 조안 콜린스 분)은 공항에서 보석 밀수를 하는 니코(Nico Cantafora: 마이클 코비 분)를 만난다. 니코는 몰래 폰테인의 모피코트 속에 보석을 감춰 세관을 통과하지만 아무것도 모르는 폰테인은 그냥 떠나버린다. 조직의 위협에 니코는 폰테인을 만나 정사를 나누고 보석반지를 찾아오지만 애초 그 보석은 가짜였다. 결국 조직은 니코와 폰테인을 의심하게 되고 궁지에 몰린 니코를 폰테인은 사랑하게 된다. 폰테인과 함께 향락적이고 퇴폐적인 파티에 참석한 니코는 다른 여자와 정사를 나누게 되고 그것을 폰테인은 조직에 밀고한다. 결국 니코는 조직에 의해 제거되고 폰테인의 디스코텍도 보스의 수중으로 들어가는데.
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에드워드와 로버트는 빅토리아 잉글랜드의 완벽하고 안전한 기차를 털 계획을 세운다. 그 기차는 영국 군인이 지급받을 월급이 금과로 보관, 이송하는 기차였던 것이다. 아무도 털지 못한다고 호언장담하는 기차의 열쇠를 빼돌리는데 성공한 에드워드와 로버트는 시체로 변장, 기차에 잠입하는데.
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The fifth filming of the adventure classic about a British soldier in the 1880s who fights to regain his honor after being given four white feathers, symbols of cowardice.
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신밧드는 파라공주와 만나러 왕국으로 방문한다. 하지만 그곳은 계모 제노비아의 마법으로 신밧드의 생명의 은인이자 그녀의 오빠인 카심왕자가 원숭이로 변한 뒤였다. 달이 7번 바뀌기 전에 카심이 왕위에 오르지 못하면 왕국은 제노비아와 그의 아들의 수중에 떨어지는데, 이에 신밧드는 그리스에 사는 신선 멜란티우스의 도움을 받아 왕자를 구하고 제노비아를 처치해 왕국을 구한다.
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When British Capt. Charles Edstaston arrives at the court of Catherine the Great in St. Petersburg, Russia, he is stunned by the palace's disorderly condition. The severely intoxicated Prince Potemkin concludes that the handsome Edstaston would be a suitable lover for Catherine, and he coerces the bewildered visitor into her bedchamber. Edstaston manages to escape, but he is repeatedly recaptured and delivered to the mischievous Catherine.
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마크 색커리(Mark Thackeray: 시드니 포이티어 분)는 아프리카 기니 출신의 흑인이다. 그는 전직 통신 기사지만 새로운 직장이 생기기 전까지 교편을 잡기로 한다. 그가 발령을 받은 곳은 런던의 빈민촌, 생활고에 찌들려 교육에 대해서는 통 관심을 보이지 않는 사람들이 사는 곳이다. 그러다 보니 학생들은 하나같이 말썽꾼들이고 그들의 관심사는 어떻게 하면 교사를 골탕먹일까 뿐이다. 하지만 무엇보다 견디기 힘든 것은 이런 현실에 방관적인 자세를 취하고 있는 동료 교사들. 심지어 교장은 자기의 원칙에서 벗어나지만 않으면 된다는 전제 아래 모든 것을 교사의 재량에 맡기는 안니한 태도를 보인다. 아이들에게 시달리던 색커리는 아이들이 인생의 목표도 없고 자신이 처한 현실을 변화시키려는 의지도 없이 학교를 그저 냉혹한 현실에서 도피할 수 있는 공간정도로만 생각하고 있는 것을 알고 아이들을 교육시키는데 뭔가 색다른 전략이 필요함을 느낀다. 그는 우선 교사의 권위는 잊고 아이들에게 성인 대우를 해주면서 서로가 동등한 위치에서 자기 이야기를 하도록 유도하며 서로에 대한 경계심을 푼다. 그리고 아이들의 피부에 와닿지 않는 교과서에 적힌 내용들을 접어두고 인생, 죽음, 결혼, 사랑 등등 친밀하지만 어려운 주제들에 대한 진솔한 얘기를 이끌어나가면서 아이들의 불신의 벽을 무너뜨린다. 이런 대화는 무리를 지어 다닐 땐 강하지만 나약하기 그지없는 아이들에게 교실밖의 세상은 냉혹하며 생존을 위해서 변화해야만 한다는 교훈을 주고 색커리는 점차 아이들의 신임과 존경을 얻는다. 시간은 흐르고 아이들의 졸업식이 다가온다. 아이들은 졸업 후 취업 문제에 당면하면서 포기하지 않고 자신들을 바른 길로 이끌어준 색커리에게 감사하게 되고 한편 색커리도 원하던 통신기사 일자리를 얻는다. 졸업식 댄스 파티. 세상으로 나갈 준비가 된 아이들은 색커리에게 감사의 마음을 전하고 색커리는 그런 아이들의 모습에 눈물을 흘린다.
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Rogues Jelly Knight, Scapa Flood, and Lennie the Dip leave prison expecting boss The Duke to have their stash ready to share out. Instead, Duke's girl Sara gives them the news Duke is dead and the money gone on nursing care. They soon discover that Duke is actually running Hope Springs Nature Clinic with the help of most of the local villains. Very strange - and the nearby army camp and Sara's encouragement of Lieutenant Vine would seem to be no coincidence either. Written by Jeremy Perkins
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When a ransom bid results in the death of a child, the police have only one lead – the old lady who witnessed the kidnapper using a public phone box. Though her recollection is vague, she volunteers to act as bait for the killer – telling the press that she had seen the kidnapper's face and she waits for him to attack.
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A crack test pilot lands to find the planet has been devastated by unknown forces. There are a few survivors, so he organizes them in a plan to ward off control by a group of killer robots.
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Former OSS officer Alan Holiday, now living in London, is visited on New Year's Eve by Catherine Carrel who says she is a close friend of Jules Lemoine who served with Holiday during the war. Lemoine urgently requests that Holiday go to Paris on a secret mission. Lemoine visits and wants Alan to deliver a reel of tape which he gives him, and keeps a fake reel himself to deceive enemy agents. Lemoine is killed and the fake tape stolen. Holiday, poses as an assistant to photographer Louis Vernay, and they take three models along to further the ruse.
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A middle-aged stock actor goes to London to try the big time. After much frustration, he lands a job doing TV commercials, gaining wealth and recognition. He eventually gives it all up to return to stage work and keep his pride.
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A naive but caring prison chaplain, who happens to have the same last name as an upper class cleric, is by mistake appointed as vicar to a small and prosperous country town. His belief in charity and forgiveness sets him at odds with the conservative and narrow-minded locals, and he soon creates social ructions by appointing a black dustman as his churchwarden, taking in a gypsy family, and persuading the local landowner to provide free food for the church to distribute free to the people of the town. When the congregation leaders realise the mistake and call for the Church of England to remove him, this turns out to be a very, very difficult issue - until one clergyman realises that a British project to send a man into space is in need of an astronaut...
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A British convoy is trying to elude a group of German U-Boats.
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Two teenagers, Mary (Hayley Mills) and Robert (Keith Hamshere) are lead by Professor Paganel (Maurice Chevalier) on a search expedition for the children's shipwrecked sea captain father. This Disney film was based upon Jules Verne's 1868 adventure novel Captain Grant's Children.
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Jane is young, French, pregnant and unmarried. Bucking convention, she is uninterested in settling with her baby's father or getting an abortion. After renting a room in a dingy London boarding house, Jane befriends the odd group of inhabitants and starts an affair with one boarder, Toby. As Jane's pregnancy threatens her new relationship, and the reality of single motherhood approaches, she is forced to decide what to do about both her baby and her budding romance.
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In Scotland 1865, An old shepherd and his little Skye terrier go to Edinburgh. But when the shepherd dies of pneumonia, the dog remains faithful to his master, refuses to be adopted by anyone, and takes to sleeping on his master's grave in the Greyfriars kirkyard, despite a caretaker with a "no dogs" rule. And when Bobby is taken up for being unlicensed, it's up to the children of Edinburgh and the Lord Provost to decide what's to be done.
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Colonel Proudfoot of Proudfoot Industries tries to entice a couple of newly qualified dentists to advertise "Dreem", a revolutionary type of toothpaste, but he knows that if the dentists learn that they are part of an advertising campaign, they will be struck off, and the campaign will be a disaster.
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The RAF Group Captain has a hard job to restrain the aircraft-man from tinkering with everything he can get his hands on
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A government team researching cures for plague find their results put on the Official Secrets list. One of their number is so incensed by this that he lets the maimed and jealous companion of a female colleague draw him into what, technically, could be a treasonable act.
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The boys of Melbury Primary School are plunged into turmoil when the new French Master turns out to be a Mistress! Madelin Leforge's (the French Mistress) effect on the boys is swift and amazing. Suddenly everyone wants extra French Lessons just to glimpse the teacher in revealing shorts and bikinis. As discipline crumbles, a scandal explodes when the Head discovers the mademoiselle's mother was an old flame. Madeline must be dismissed to save further embarrassments.
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A young factory worker stands alone against a proposed strike.
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Naive Stanley Windrush returns from the war, his mind set on a successful career in business. Much to his own dismay, he soon finds he has to start from the bottom and work his way up, and also that the management as well as the trade union use him as a tool in their fight for power.
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A World War II evacuee (Van Johnson) returns years later to England and finds his father in prison framed for murder.
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The incredible but true story of how an impersonator was recruited to impersonate General Montgomery to mislead the German's about his intentions before the North Africa campaign.
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Roger Thursby is an overly keen, newly-qualified barrister who rubs his fellow barristers up the wrong way. When he is thrown in at the deep-end, with a particularly hot-tempered judge and tricky case, Thursby learns how to prove himself not only to the judge and fellow barristers but also to the public gallery.
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When George discovers that he has won the pools, there is huge excitement in the household. But it turns out that it's his son who has won, in partnership with the son of a woman against whom George has some ill feelings.
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Two aspiring songwriters finally manage to sell a tune by claiming that it was composed by a reclusive musical genius. When the tune hits the top of the charts, they find themselves having to produce the "real" composer.
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A Victorian-era murder mystery about a parlour maid that discovers that her employer may have killed his first wife.
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During the 1940s, Maurice Bendrix, a writer recently discharged from the armed service, falls in love with Sarah Miles, whom he interviews for a book. Sarah is married, but she and Maurice eventually give in to their mutual attraction, leading to an affair that lasts several months. Maurice's jealousy, along with the bombing of London by the Germans, seemingly leads to the end of their relationship. However, the reasons are later revealed to be more complex.
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Fred Martin, a taxi driver who is a reformed convict, is used by the police to go undercover in order to help catch a gang of safe robbers. However things start to go wrong when the police stake out the wrong bank and Fred finds himself alone with the crooks.
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An ex-chorus girl lives on the Riviera, supported by a married man she doesn't know is a crook.
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A little girl accidentally breaks her mother's favourite ornament and goes hop-picking to replace it.
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게는 감추고 싶은 비밀이 있다. 다음 날, 경찰들은 아기가 학대당하고 있다는 신고를 받고 출동하는데, 집에 홀로 남겨진 아기가 창가에 앉아 있는 위험한 광경을 목격한다. 영국에서 가장 많은 작품을 남긴 여성 감독 뮤리엘 박스의 작품으로, 여성 경찰들의 다사다난한 하루하루를 다큐멘터리 스타일로 담았다.
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Wing-commander Tim Mason leads a squadron of Lancaster bombers on almost nightly raids from England. Having flown eighty-seven missions he will shortly be retiring from flying, but the strain is showing. He tries to make sure his men concentrate only on their job and so keeps women away from the base, but then he himself meets naval officer Eve Canyon.
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During World War II, German soldiers occupy the home of a beautiful Belgian girl and her mother.
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When the Government decide to build a Festival of Britain exhibition site, everything goes to plan, all except the fact that the main road and the pedestrian subway into the site, are blocked by a little corner shop, which is owned and run by a Mr. Lord and his family. When the Lords refuse to be bought off, and decline the compensation offered by the authorities. the police and the bailiffs try to evict them, only to come under fire from the family, who have barricaded themselves inside the shop.
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Impoverished British bank clerk John Ross is hopelessly in love with drop-dead gorgeous Irene James. Ross will do anything to win Irene's affections - including embezzlement. She ends up marrying him, but she can't give up her true love, slimy counterfeiter Jimmy Smart...