Pina Di Gennaro

참여 작품

블레스드 보이즈
이웃에 살고 있는 마리오와 리노는 가장 친한 친구다. 두 사람 모두에게 상상도 할 수 없는 일이 일어나고, 둘의 관계 역시 새로운 국면을 맞이한다.
In a middle school on the northern outskirts of Naples, a teenager roughly fifteen years old appears before the examiners to earn his diploma. The professors are as skeptical as can be expected about a student who has repeated the year more than once, but the boy isn't intimidated and delivers his oral report about history, his own personal history, marred by a tragedy, and then moves on to discuss the human body and the sculpture The Veiled Christ. The teachers hear him out in silence; a passing grade is all he asks for. The film was conceived and produced as part of a film production course at Vodisca Teatro / La Scugnizzeria held by Gianluca Arcopinto and Vincenzo Marra.
Il peso esatto del vuoto