Vladimir Golitsyn

Vladimir Golitsyn

출생 : 1981-01-29, Moscow, USSR (Russia)

프로필 사진

Vladimir Golitsyn

참여 작품

The story of a dancer in a state of artistic crisis, a man struggling with mental and physical trauma. Man is only a conductor of his talent. A film about a return to a dream.
블랙아웃: 인베이젼 어스
가까운 미래, 어느 날 평화로웠던 어느 거대 도시는 갑자기 전 세계와의 통신이 두절되는 초유의 사태를 겪는다. 도시 밖으로 한 걸음만 나가도 전기를 비롯한 일체의 시설이 작동하지 않고, 심지어 전 세계 인류의 생사조차 불분명한 상황. 사태의 원인을 규명하고 생존자를 찾고자 탐색에 나선 특수부대는 그곳에서 충격적인 장면을 목격하는데... 꺼지지 않은 단 1%의 인류는 생존의 실마리를 찾을 수 있을 것인가!
No Love No Death
Accidentally, Alyona finds herself alone in her lover's country-house on Christmas Eve. All she can see from the window is a snow-covered desert, and a cat is the only living creature who is near. The heating is turned off, her mobile phone battery is low. Alyona tries to get out of the country-house, but the more external circumstances she overcomes the deeper she sinks into her inner hell. At the end of the day her desire to escape suddenly evolves into desire to die. There are three layers in the film: physical, symbolical and metaphysical. All Alyona's activity is a surface that hides her struggle with her inner demons, her existential solitude and her inability to cope with it. Trying to escape the swamp of unsolved issues Alyona sinks only deeper and deeper to reach the bottom, then push off and start her way to inner resurrection. The only thing we are never given enough is love. The only thing we never give enough is love.
바이킹: 왕좌의 게임
10세기 러시아의 류리크 왕조. 내전에 휘말린 둘째 왕자의 죽음으로 왕위 계승을 위한 서열 싸움이 더욱 치열해진다. 제3왕자 블라디미르가 제1왕자 야로폴크의 집요한 공격에 맞서 바이킹과 협력을 결심한다. 키예프 대공국을 지배할 단 하나의 왕! 이제 왕좌의 주인을 가리기 위한 최후의 결전이 시작된다.
A Habit of Breaking-Up
This is a story about a girl in search of the man of her life... While she tries to find him she asks herself what was the reason of the break ups. She visits all of her ex-boyfriends to find the reason. Later on she starts a blog on the web to keep all the thoughts together. All of a sudden her blog becomes really popular. Will she find the answer to her question? No, she won't. Will she find the love of her life? Most definitely!
The film is based on the early songs of Viktor Tsoi. This is a story about a young slacker, easy and fun going through life. He strumming a guitar and composing songs. Drinks with idle friends. The usual, almost domestic, history of betrayal changes everything radically. So the poet is born.