Lidiya Kopina

Lidiya Kopina

프로필 사진

Lidiya Kopina

참여 작품

Night Older
A young girl is going to a party with her friend. She dressed up, put on makeup, in a word, seriously prepared. This is understandable - at the party there will be a guy to whom the heroine would like to "drive up". But what if there is not enough experience in these matters, and the chosen one of your heart ended up at a party with a company of older girls?
작전 레닌그라드
Rodriguez's companion
이제 막 성인이 된 마샤 야블로치키나는 1942년 겨울, 오로지 생존을 위해 철도 운동에 참여한다. 그로부터 마샤는 도시와 대지를 연결하는 실리셀부르크의 고속도로 건설 현장에서 독일 포병과 마주하게 되고 위험을 감수하며 NKPS의 48번째 기관차에 탑승한 채 군사 장비와 화물을 레닌그라드에 운반하는 데 협력하게 되는데…
바이킹: 왕좌의 게임
10세기 러시아의 류리크 왕조. 내전에 휘말린 둘째 왕자의 죽음으로 왕위 계승을 위한 서열 싸움이 더욱 치열해진다. 제3왕자 블라디미르가 제1왕자 야로폴크의 집요한 공격에 맞서 바이킹과 협력을 결심한다. 키예프 대공국을 지배할 단 하나의 왕! 이제 왕좌의 주인을 가리기 위한 최후의 결전이 시작된다.
Vera’s Crisis
Vera has reached the top of her profession and owns her own company. Young, determined and successful, she is, however, lonely and unhappy. One night when Vera is driving home, she hits a young man on the road. She takes him to hospital but feels so responsible for the accident that she visits him every day bringing him food and gifts. They soon fall in love and on leaving the hospital, Anton moves into Vera’s flat. Meanwhile, Vera’s company is suddenly and inexplicably on the verge of bankruptcy, and when Vera witnesses Anton meeting with the manager of a rival company and giving him a package, she assumes he has betrayed her and throws him out. Imagine her astonishment, when she discovers that the informant is actually the wife of her company’s president, who has been leaking information to her lover, who works for a competitor.