Jophi Ries
출생 : 1959-12-13, Hamburg, Germany
Miriam Maertens falls ill with cystic fibrosis and struggles quietly with the disease. Mastering a double life she falls in love and achieves her professional goals. When Miriam gets pregnant, everyone is shocked. When her lungs malfunction, it is a race against time to find a suitable donor.
Although Maja and Thorsten have been divorced for two years, it is important to them to go on vacation with their sons once a year. The thought is good, the execution miserable.
In Dublin, Blake Lester breaks Lucy Silchester's dream by preferring an overseas TV show career move over their marriage plans since years. Receiving a mystery letter 'from her life', Lucy seeks consolation with mates Adam, Melanie, Lisa and Jamie. Angrily Lucy meets critical sender Cosmo, who urges her to set priorities among colleagues, family, friends and truth to correct her derailed life, which she finds hard to disprove by showing happiness. Lying to boss Edna costs her job. Desperate hitting rock bottom, she attempt to win successful Blake back. Her protective brother, attorney Riley, and Cosmo rather favor attractive carpet cleaner and neighborhood urchins football 'coach' Don Lockwood, who consents, yet this fails as she retracts despite good sex while he works in her apartment. Sad news about her neighbor Claire, a breakup between workaholic father Samuel and 'neglected' mother-housewife Sheila make Lucy die reconsider her own priorities.
Reiner Herz
Lehrer Münster
Christoph Winterhoff
Klaus Klett
Marco locks himself away in his studio to paint a new painting. The canvas, however, remains white for lack of inspiration. In order to divert himself, he decides to clean the studio and suddenly finds a bottle of Mescal.
Marco locks himself away in his studio to paint a new painting. The canvas, however, remains white for lack of inspiration. In order to divert himself, he decides to clean the studio and suddenly finds a bottle of Mescal.
Kurdirektor Wölden
Bill Conelly
Three girls summon a demon. John Sinclair, a British investigator for supernatural phenomena, travels to Germany to meet Kerstin who is the only girl left. But the demon wants to sacrifice her in the old cathedral of Cologne.
Galen Andersen
The humanity is threaten by a dangerous virus and the only solution seems to travel back in time.
Teddy Reier
An original satire about women of the 90s in search of the men of their dreams. Franzy believes she's through with men, but desperately needs new amorous story lines for the comic strip she writes for a newspaper. So she observes her friend Maischa struggling to satisfy her need for love -- and someone who knows how to install her new shelf. Since joiner Klaus demands too much attention, she sets her eyes on the good-looking footballer Rene.
1942년 늦은 여름, 제2차 세계대전이 네 번째 해를 맞이했을 때, 히틀러의 군대는 유럽 대부분과 북 아프리카 일부를 점령했다. 그리고 그들은 두 번째 러시아 공격을 준비 중이었다. 목표는 카스피 해와 코카서스 유전. 이집트에서 큰 공을 세운 제6군은 이탈리아에서 짧은 휴가를 마치고 파울루스 장군의 지휘 아래 스탈린그라드로 진격한다. 스탈린그라드로 향하는 기차 안에서 젊은 중위 한스와 패기 넘치는 롤로는 누가 살아 돌아올지 내기를 한다. 하지만 전선에 도착하자마자 그들은 이제까지의 전투와는 다른 느낌을 받는다. 수많은 전우들이 눈앞에서 죽어나가고 러시아 포로들은 인간 이하의 대접을 받고 있었다. 그래도 조국을 위한 희생이라는 명분 아래 다들 최선을 다해 싸우지만 동료 부상병 에미콜즈를 치료하기 위해 프리츠가 위생병에게 총을 들이대는 바람에 한스와 그의 부하들은 지뢰 제거반에 보내진다. 러시아 포로들과 함께 생활하게 된 그들은 혹독한 추위와 비인간적 대우까지 견뎌야 했다. 패배가 뻔히 보이는 전투에 가차 없이 투입되고 무고한 러시아 시민까지 사살하게 되면서 병사들은 마지막 애국심마저 내려놓게 된다….
Bernd Keil
A comedy directed by Claus-Michael Rohne.
Family Struutz lives in Bitterfeld (GDR). After the fall of the wall, they take the opportunity to go on holiday with their car, an old Trabant. They simply want to visit Italy. But there are some incidents during their journey. (IMDb)