Olga Efremova

Olga Efremova

프로필 사진

Olga Efremova

참여 작품

The Girl and the Snail
Sue, a girl from the assimilated Ainu people, faces death for the first time. Her beloved grandfather is dying, but the connection with him is not broken. Grandfather comes to her in a dream and gives her a Snail, which turns out to be a guide to the world of ancestors and the subconscious, helps to survive the pain of loss and return joy to every day.
Seven Wishes
Hoping to change her life, Marina, a small town girl, embarks on a journey to a life coaching event. But an unexpected delay at a St. Petersburg airport sends her on a 24 hour comedic spree, which may ultimately provide her with the key to her happiness.
I Am Not Like That! I Am Not Like This!
Russian Psycho
girl in the park
Contemporary Moscow. Svyatoslav, a poor boy, falls in love with Asya, a rich girl, and wants to marry her. To support her in the manner in which she is accustomed, he opens an upscale restaurant. But he soon discovers he has a unseen enemy.
Moscow Never Sleeps
The volatile intersections of contemporary Moscow and the intimate lives of five people.
Kids vs Wizards
Magic is slowly corrupting the world. In order to save Russia from the same fate, Ivan Tsaritsin with some help from his friends, will try to put an end to this.
어바웃 러브
What is love? The heroes of the film try to answer this question. A series of the most different characters and their stories are woven together. Small stories about various things, all about love: a young pair who prefer to live through images of Japanese anime-heroes; a secretary who receives an obscene offer from her boss; a Japanese woman who arrives in Moscow in search of a Russian man; a graffiti artist in search of beauty; an ex-wife employed by her husband for an unusual task; and many other things...
The Winter Will Not Come
The world is going absolutely crazy when the giant meteor is approaching Earth...
Cat for sale
Katerina is smart and ambitious. She sees only in work. Once, Katina’s orphanage home comes to Katya’s home. “Is this your cat for sale?” The girl asks. “We don’t have any cats,” Katya wonders. In fact, Alina is cunning. She is sure that the business woman is her mother. Katerina, explains that they have not lived for a long time, but the orphan does not retreat. Katya undertakes to find her real parents, but eventually understands that she has led to the girl, and can no longer part with her. This piercing and bright story will be interesting for both adult audiences and teenagers.
A very close-to-life story showing that some closed doors hide much bigger mysteries than you can imagine and it's better to leave them unopened. "Mystery" is the part of Experiment 5IVE.
철의 장막을 배경으로 하는 러시아판 '헤어 스프레이'. 스탈린이 죽은 지 2년이 지난 1955년. 흐루시초프가 가져온 해빙의 분위기도 젊은이들이 미국음악과 패션에 열광하는 것을 막지 못한다. 학생 멜은 모스크바의 브로드웨이라 불리는 고르키/츠베르스카야 거리에서 만난 무리에 합류하고 폴리야를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 힙스터즈는 소비에트 시절 사회를 보내던 사람들의 다양한 심리와 라이프 스타일을 재치 있으면서도 과장된 장면들로 보여주면서 복고풍 뮤지컬의 향수를 불러 일으킨다. (2010년 제4회 충무로국제영화제)