Dmitry Vyatkin

Dmitry Vyatkin

프로필 사진

Dmitry Vyatkin

참여 작품

Masha is a young girl from the suburbs from an extremely poor family. She lives in her reality, where she cares for her grandmother and her younger brother, and dreams of her own family and a husband; she badly longs for warmth, love and care. She knows nothing about her serious illness. Her life abruptly changes after a meeting with Matvei Sergeevich, a cardiologist who saves her life.
Miloš, the youngest son of Goran
러시아 정보기관 장교 ‘베크’는 비밀 작전 수행을 위해 불미스러운 사건으로 불명예 전역 후 유고슬라비아에 흩어진 ‘안드레이’와 그의 팀원들은 모은다. 각자의 이유로 모인 8명의 최정예 팀은 민간인 대량학살과 전쟁을 막는 특급 비밀 임무를 수행한다. 그들은 누구도 모르게 거대 테러리스트에 대항하여 단 하루만에 슬라티나 공항을 접수하는 미션을 성공할 수 있을까?
Contemporary Russia. After he flubs a penalty kick, a humiliated national soccer player quits the game. He flees to a small town, where he decides to coach their local team.
The plot is based on the story of a village demented youth. He is a local fool, living in a poor hut with a sick mother. His neighbors are the Jewish family of the local blacksmith Mendel, and he is secretly in love with his youngest daughter Sonya. When the war starts, the Germans quickly occupy the village. Panic begins among the Jews, as well as in the Mendel family, and they try to equip a shelter at home, which the young man becomes aware of. Hoping to get the blacksmith's house, he reveals this secret to the Germans, but the German military police take him to their headquarters. The protagonist finds Sonya in his garden and wants to save her life, not imagining what difficulties this decision will turn out to be for everyone.