Serge Verreault
출생 : 1965-06-02, Québec City, Québec, Canada
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The Korean legend of Ungnyeo, a bear reborn as a woman, becomes a percussive and mesmerizing riff on the themes of transformation and quarantine. Produced as part of the 13th edition of the NFB’s Hothouse apprenticeship.
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The distinctive three-note chime of the Toronto subway kicks off a zippy tale of bike theft and survival in an unfamiliar new town. Produced as part of the 13th edition of the NFB’s Hothouse apprenticeship.
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In a frenzied attempt to break the isolation, a man drums his head against the wall, unleashing a battery of brightly hued hallucinations. Produced as part of the 13th edition of the NFB’s Hothouse apprenticeship.
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Are we there yet? When the kids act up in the back seat, a family road trip gets knocked hilariously off course. Produced as part of the 13th edition of the NFB’s Hothouse apprenticeship.
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Carrots are good for your eyes. Maybe too good.
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The Flying Sailor is based on the Halifax explosion of 1917 when two ships collided in the Halifax Harbour causing the largest accidental explosion in history. Among the tragic stories of the disaster is the remarkable account of a sailor who, blown skyward from the deck of a British cargo steamer, flew over 2 km before landing completely unharmed, but naked except for his boots.
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The intertwining fates of two Vietnamese sisters who sustain a wartime relationship through written correspondence.
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Cut off from his loved ones due to the strict COVID-19 lockdown at the long-term care facility where he lives, a quadriplegic rabbi is filmed by his daughter while reflecting on love, mortality and longing.
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Meneath: The Hidden Island of Ethics dives deeply into the innate contrast between the Seven Deadly Sins (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Pride and Envy) and the Seven Sacred Teachings (Love, Respect, Wisdom, Courage, Truth, Honesty and Humility), as embodied in the life of a precocious Métis baby. Brought to life by Terril Calder’s darkly beautiful stop-motion animation, her inner turmoil of abuse is laid bare with unflinching honesty. Convinced she’s soiled and destined for Hell, Baby Girl receives teachings that fill her with strength and pride, and affirm a path towards healing. Calder’s tour-de-force unearths a hauntingly familiar yet hopeful world that illuminates the bias of colonial systems.
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After 11 strangers unite to help a gay youth escape life-threatening violence in Uganda, the unexpected pandemic and conflicting opinions over his best interests test the limits of their commitment and jeopardize his fresh start in Canada.
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Bad Seeds takes us to a bizarre world populated by carnivorous plants that can change shapes the way a chameleon changes colours. The veteran director of deftly connects growth with rivalry and evolution with competition, crafting an increasingly shocking duel that’s peppered with allusions to the western, the Cold War, board games, and much more.
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Layering real-life details with an otherworldly magic, Thanadoula recounts the story of an end-of-life doula brought to her calling through the loss of her beloved sister.
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Shannon Amen unearths the passionate and pained expressions of a young woman overwhelmed by guilt and anxiety as she struggles to reconcile her sexual identity with her religious faith. A loving elegy to a friend lost to suicide.
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A woman with a deep love of the land, Yolande Simard Perrault sees her life as having been shaped by a planetary upheaval in Charlevoix, Quebec, millions of years ago. As enduring as the Canadian Shield, she’s a woman of strength and spirit, a child of the crater left by the meteor’s impact. This documentary portrays a determined woman who’s the reflection of a land created on an immense scale. She was the creative and life partner of filmmaker Pierre Perrault, who gave up everything to be by her side. The film charts the influence of her unquenchable dreams and her contribution to the building of a people’s collective memory. In a stream of images and words, Simard Perrault recounts the splendours of the landscape and the people who shaped it. Generous and boundless, she embarks on a quest for identity that nurtures and perpetuates the oeuvre of the man who breathed new life into Quebec cinema.
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세상의 종말도 때로는 전적으로 개인적인 일이다. 우리는 모두 이민자이다. 비록 우리가 떠난 유일한 나라가 껌 종이, 장난감 차, 게임 그리고 보조개와 함께 버린 어린시절일지라도 말이다. 우리는 여행가방을 열기 전까지는 진실로 고향을 느끼지 못한다. 이 ‘타임캡슐’은 우리 어린시절의 숨겨진 보물을 간직하고 있다. 불가리아 작가 게오르기 고스포디노프의 소설 「슬픔의 물리학」에서 영감을 받았으며 로지프 서덜랜드가 내레이션을 맡았다.
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Follows four women of the estimated 40,000 displaced people moved from the banks of the Xingu River in the Amazon Basin to make space for construction of one of the world's largest dams, the Belo Monte.
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Manivald is a fox in his early 30s. He is still living at home with his mother. One day a young hot wolf called Toomas comes to fix the washing machine. A love triangle develops between the three of them. Things get out of hand and Manivald realizes that it is time to move out.
내면의 소리에 귀 기울이는 것은 쉽지 않은데, 동물에게는 더욱 그렇다. 아카데미상을 수상한 바 있는 앨리슨 스노든과 데이비드 파인의 동물 심리상담소 속 다섯 마리의 동물들은 자신들의 내면의 분노를 심리상담으로 풀어가기 위해 정신과 의사 개 클레망 박사가 주관하는 상담에서 정기적으로 만난다.
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An animator dissects his own body, extracting memories, emotions and fears that will nurture his work. As he cuts into his skin, various symbolic objects recalling his past emerge. Reaching the heart, he succeeds in identifying the burden he’s been dying to cast off.
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New York, 1905. Visionary inventor Nikola Tesla makes one last appeal to J.P. Morgan, his onetime benefactor.
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From out of nowhere, the most beautiful girl in the world sits at the table across from me at the library. Is this a stroke of good luck or bad? Her smile paralyzes me… How will Sam win Nadine’s heart? Must he seek out his inner samurai to fight the monster of his anxiety? Real courage is conquering your fear.
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그녀의 왼쪽 눈은 과거만 본다. 오른쪽은 오직 미래만 본다. 끔찍한 저주처럼 나눠진 바이샤의 시야는 그녀가 현재를 살 수 없게 한다. 과거로 눈 멀었고 미래로 괴로워하며, 그녀는 두 개의 양립할 수 없는 속계에 갇힌다. 사람들은 그녀를 ‘눈 먼 바이샤’라 불렀다. 안시2016 단편 심사위원상. (2016년 제18회 부천애니메이션페스티벌)
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Filmmaker and comic strip artist Claude Cloutier has made a striking satire on big oil, a musical where cars sing and dance while the planet falls into despair.
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스코틀랜드에서 발생한 허리케인 폭풍의 여파로 거대한 폭우와 파도가 점점 런던을 향해 다가온다. 그 규모는 런던을 집어삼킬 만큼 위력적이다. 시시각각 다가오는 대홍수의 위기에서 런던을 구해내기 위해 고군분투하는 사람들의 이야기를 담았다.
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Successful thirtysomething Isabelle decides to marry herself, becoming a public sensation. But when opportunity comes knocking, will she cheat on herself to pursue what might be true love with someone else?