Ivan Doan

출생 : 1986-03-05, Kyiv, Ukraine


Ivan Doan was born to a Vietnamese father and a Ukrainian mother. He trained in Method acting at the National University of Theater, Film and Television in Kyiv for four years. He is a multilingual actor speaking six languages. Ivan is also a matial artist and singer.

참여 작품

히어로즈 앤 카워즈
영국군 소속 저격수인 리아 앤더슨은 의붓 오빠인 폴과, 동료들과 함께 마지막 임무에 나선다. 하지만 중동에서의 작전은 실패로 돌아가고, 부대원을 모두 잃은 폴만 살아남는다. 그리고 3년 후, 죽은 줄로만 알았던 리아가 다시 폴 앞에 나타나게 되는데...
로카, 세상을 바꾸다
이 영화는 선생님들과 권위에 굴하지 않고 혼자 살아가는 총명하고 창의력이 뛰어난 11살 로카의 이야기를 들려준다. 로카는 자신의 독립성을 유지하기 위해 싸워야 하고 어린이도 세상을 바꿀 힘이 있다는 것을 모두에게 증명해야만 한다. (2020년 제8회 서울구로국제어린이영화제)
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What started as a drama about a Russian police plot to steal a billion dollars from a US financier and to murder his faithful tax lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, has become a real life investigation of contradicting versions of the crime.
Overturn: Awakening of the Warrior
Christopher Gabriel, a young American, suffers from constant nightmares. These dreams have been coming for a long time, and nothing seems to be able to stop them. Suddenly, an unknown group of people kidnaps him and conducts a number of strange experiments. Initially, he is terrified, but unexpectedly, they help him realize that he is not an ordinary guy and is meant to accomplish an important mission. His dreams are the key to the answer.
Christopher Gabriel suffers from constant terrifying nightmares. These dreams have been coming since childhood, and all his life Christopher tries to understand this disease, but no doctors or books give answers. Suddenly, an unknown group of people from different countries kidnap him and conduct a number of strange and cruel experiments. At first, it looks like one of his nightmares has come true, but gradually, he begins to realize that they know something important about him. Christopher also feels that something changes in him and suspects that he is not an ordinary guy. His dreams are the key to the answer.
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Conservatory student
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