Jesús Guzmán

Jesús Guzmán

출생 : 1926-06-15, Madrid - Spain


Jesús Guzmán Gareta (Madrid, 15 June 1926) is a veteran Spanish actor, known for La morte sull'alta collina (1969) Crónicas de un pueblo (1971), Cachimba (2004) and Maestros (2000). He appeared in many western films shot in Almería such as Un par de asesinos (1970), Per qualche dollaro in più (1965), The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) and Ocaso de un pistolero (1965).

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Jesús Guzmán
Jesús Guzmán

참여 작품

The Tunnel
The thirteen survivors of a catastrophe by a tunnel's collapse tries to balance their experience trapped along 15 days inside it with their day-by-day outside it.
A Forbidden God
Padre Muñoz
August 1936, the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. 51 members of the Claretian community of Barbastro (Huesca) are martyred, die for their faith. The film recounts the last weeks of his life, since they are held until they are finally shot. During that time, they perform various writings they talk about their situation, of his fellow captives, people who saw them. These writings have been the basic testimony used to narrate this real fact in film version.
The Great Vazquez
Is it possible to live aside of the system, thinking only about the present and oneself? A feature film about Manuel Vázquez, the best comic book author in Barcelona during the sixties, but, mainly, a man with a very particular way of living his life.
8 Dates
Five legendary bank robbers carve out a nice lifestyle for themselves during their long sentences in a Spanish maximum-security prison, where the guards and inmates buckle to their every demand. When they are granted a surprise and immediate release, they flounder on the greatly changed, modern streets of Madrid. They plan one more major heist, but do they have the updated skills and wherewithal to pull it off?
La noche de Lina
Tahiti's Girl
Don Ángel
The Rogues
The jeweler
The adventures of a couple of scoundrels in the Spain of the 16th century.
Victòria! 3: El seny i la rauxa
Victòria! La gran aventura d'un poble
In the middle of the first world war, Barcelona is the center of multiple operations related to war, although Spain is a neutral country.
Despido improcedente
Cinematógrafo 1900
Segundo de Chomón
¡Mi adúltero esposo! ('In Situ')
Guardia civil
Las delicias de los verdes años
In the Middle Age, a farmer named Mauro is heading to Madrid following the last will of his father.
El señor está servido
Sr. subsecretario
Three stories of three housemaids: Martina, shop steward, serves a marriage that can not have children because she entered the house with that condition. Basilia, Cateta coming to serve and not do anything, the contract for a small fee and let she carry a transistor always hung over the shoulder. And Lali, a gorgeous girl, but very serious and decent, it does not last any longer than 24 hours home because everyone wants to conquer.
Una prima en la bañera
Bienvenido, Mister Krif
Zorrita Martínez
Lo verde empieza en los Pirineos
Valeriano - el cartero
Don Serafin has a complex: to all the beautiful women always seen with a beard. To remove the complex and try to cure him, his friends will lead to Biarritz. To do this, the friends decide to cross the border protagonists of the Pyrenees and dive into the orgy of nudity and "green film" that was developed in France.
Travels with My Aunt
Undertaker's Worker (uncredited)
At his mother's funeral, stuffy bank clerk Henry Pulling meets his Aunt Augusta, an elderly eccentric with more-than-shady dealings who pulls him along on a whirlwind adventure as she attempts to rescue an old lover.
Nada menos que todo un hombre
Los días de Cabirio
Lacayo de Tía
The Ibéricas Football Club
Fan con su mujer
The Iberian F.C. is a female football team makes a splash in the world of football, rather than their athletic skills, their physical attraction for the male audience. Each of the components of the whole suffers a different and peculiar relationship status, derived from its new sports.
El apartamento de la tentación
Profesor Barami
Juliet and Alberto are a marriage in which peace reigns home. Mood surely be upset if Juliet suspecte that her her husband uses the vet who runs to assist clients instead of animals.
Préstame quince días
Bastard, Go and Kill
Tobia Velasquez
Chaco, a Mexican on the run from just about everyone, is framed for the killing of a couple of Mexican cattlemen. Everyone knows he's innocent but the evidence is substantial. Chaco escapes and with the help of a bounty hunter, goes after the real murderers.
Me debes un muerto
Don erre que erre
Ruiz - el cajero del banco Universal
Don Rodrigo goes to the bank and when he is going to take his money there is a robbery. Then the bank refuses to give him his money back (257 pesetas, a small amount of money) with the argument that the money was robbed to him, not to the bank. He will fight against the bank till the last consequences.
Sartana Kills Them All
A pair of outlaws are on the hunt for some loot they know is missing from a robbery. Outsmarting and killing anyone who tries to foil their plans.
Crimen imperfecto
Two private detectives called Salomon (Fernando Fernan-Gomez) and Torcuato (Jose Luis Lopez Vazquez), are engaged in questionable conduct research and work reports
¿Por qué pecamos a los 40?
Mirón #4
Alejandro Quesada (Fernando Fernan Gomez), an eminent doctor successful with women, drives his old friends Federico (Juanjo Menéndez) and Enrique (José Luis López Vázquez) to change their attitude towards life. The death of a common friend, Luis (Jesus Puente), reaffirmed in the attempt to enjoy their existence and seek the association of younger women than their wives.
El relicario
While watching on television a bullfight where his son Luis acts, the matador Rafael Lucena dies of a heart attack upon discovering Virginia in the bullring, a woman who looks like Soledad. Soledad was his father ‘s, Manuel Lucena, great love. Both Luis and his brother Alejandro meet the singer Virginia and fall in love with her but when Luis suffers serious goring, he begins to think that Virginia brings bad luck.
Las piernas de la serpiente
¡Se armó el belén!
An old priest, who has old ideas, is intended to exercise the apostolate in a neighborhood in the suburbs of Madrid. There the revolutionary climate and anti-religious character of the congregation thwarts all his attempts to attract them. The Archbishop admonishes him and asks to renew his methods, using the example of a young priest of a modern parish. The old priest tries to apply in his environment what he has seen in the parish model, setting off a chain of events.
The Magnificent Bandits
Brazil, the 1920s. The sadistic colonel Minas massacres the hometown of a famous cangaceiro (a kind of revolutionary bandit). The only survivor is a young farmer called Espedito; he is nursed back to health by a (crazy?) hermit who thinks he has been sent (= espedito) by God and therefore baptizes him the Redeemer. Espedito/The Redeemer forms his own gang of cangaceiros but doesn’t really understand what he’s doing until he befriends the proverbial European intellectual, a Dutch Oil prospector, who introduces him to important people. Espedito is hired (and of course double-crossed) by the Dutchman and a corrupt local governor, but then the Dutchman changes sides …
Juicio de faldas
Amor y medias
Dead Men Don't Count
Jonathan 'Alegría'
Damon and Steffen are paired up bounty hunters falsely accused of murder in a lawless town ruled by racketeering lawmen
Cuidado con las señoras
Empleado del cementerio
Henry is sent by his Aunt Nati to Madrid to begin practice as a doctor because seven years ago he finished his studies and has not yet worked. When he arrived, away from obey her aunt, decides to live together with his friend Mateo, a professional private detective. His first appearance as a doctor is to extend the death certificate of the husband of a beautiful woman that he meets on the road. The next day he sees, in a night club, the widow accompanied of the deceased. On being informed that the man is the administrator of the deceased, decides to solve the mystery with the help of his friend Matthew
No desearás la mujer de tu prójimo
The plot narrates how a group of inseparable friends feel, suddenly, the urgent need to deceive each other with their respective wives. Ladies, attractive, intelligent and wealthy, decide to teach a lesson to the new "Don Juans".
El turismo es un gran invento
Turista comiendo paella
After a vacation to a seaside resort, a Spanish mayor attempts to modify his small rural town for tourists in an attempt to make money.
Los chicos del Preu
Las salvajes en Puente San Gil
The film explains the vicissitudes of a group of revue stars who arrive into a small provincial village in the dark Spain of the sixties, called Puente San Gil. There the women are received with aggressiveness and contempt by the ultraconservative bourgeoisie, to the point of becoming denounced and imprisoned because of the scandal caused by the sensual content of their variety show. But they refuse to remain silent and sing their protest as a song. —jsanchez
¿Qué hacemos con los hijos?
Hombre que busca taxi
The driver Antonio, boasts of his sons: John, who shares his work as a taxi driver, Luisa, ladies hairdresser, Antonito, studying to be a lawyer, and Paloma, to be a housewife. But Antonio does not know that their children are not exactly as he thinks. The day Antonio finds out, confronts his wife and children and suffers a big disappointment. Since then no one in the family speaks to Antonio, and he believes that it is best to let them see for themselves that they made a mistake, but this does not result, since each will see their problems increased.
El padre Manolo
Portero casa de César Espinosa
Padre Manolo, priest, magician and singer, starts a private investigation on what seems to be a murder...
Un millón en la basura
Empleado servicio limpieza #1
In the vast army of human society, Pepe, a sweeper, occupies one of the last places: anonymous, gray, vague. Pepe is a member of that ghostly dawn brigade, to blow hose, clean the streets at dawn. One day Pepe finds a million in the trash. Financial need of the poor sweeper suggests keeping the money, but his wife advises him to do his civic duty and return the money ...
The Midshipmen
A group of students preparing to be midshipmen at the Naval Academy live very different experiences: from the typical hazing the new responsibilities they will face when they obtain graduation.
Buenos días, condesita
A young woman, who sells music recordings in the flea market in Madrid, passes herself off as a friend's girlfriend so that he doesn't lose his inheritance.
석양의 무법자
Pardue the Hotel Owner (uncredited)
미국의 남북전쟁이 한창인 때, 블론디는 멕시코인 총잡이 투코와 함께 동업 중이다. 블론디는 현상범 투코를 잡아 현상금을 받고, 투코가 교수형을 당하는 순간 구해주는 역할. 한편 세텐자라 불리우는 범죄자는 엄청나 돈이 묻힌 비밀장소를 추적 중이다. 그런데, 투코와 실랑이를 벌이던 블론디는 돈이 묻힌 장소를 죽어가는 사람에게 듣게 되고, 결국 둘은 돈을 찾아 나서는데...
Las viudas
Pintor (segment "El Retrato de Regino")
Comedy consists of three stories about the sudden death of three husbands: a newly married man dies as a result of the excessive enthusiasm of his wife ("Honeymoon"), another because of a fling with a girl too fiery ("The Anniversary" ), and finally, a husband dies because of his greed and stinginess ("Portrait of Regino").
Operación Plus Ultra
Camarero del hotel
A girl whose name is never revealed (Marisol) and her brother Manolo (Pedro Mari Sanchez) survive as best they can in Madrid with only the help of their two horses, Agrippina and Cabriola. She disguises herself as a boy to work picking up trash. However,she lives permanently with two dreams in her head. The first to meet her idol, the bullfighter Angel Peralta. The second, for Cabriola to become a bullfighting star, for which, with the help of Manolo, she trains it thoroughly. One day, when Angel Peralta has a bullfight in Madrid, the girls manages to come to his house disguised as a boy, and begs him to try the horse. Angel is impressed with the horse, and introduces her to his agent, who will guide her in her first steps as a mounted bullfighter. Everyone believes her to be a young man, and no-one suspects she is really a woman. Gradually Cabriola and "the Boy" are gaining fame, albeit in Comic bullfighting.
석양의 건맨
Carpetbagger on Train (uncredited)
감옥을 탈출해 나온 산적 두목이자 은행강도인 현상범 인디오는 부하들과 함께 살인과 강탈을 일삼고 다닌다. 회중시계와 뮤직박스에 병적인 집착을 보이는 그는 누군가를 죽일 때마다 회중시계를 꺼내 보는 버릇이 있다. 그를 잡기 위해 두 명의 사나이가 서부의 작은 도시에 등장한다. 한 명은 이름을 알 수 없는 차갑고 냉정한 총잡이인 '이름없는 자'로 현상금을 목적으로 이 곳에 왔으며, 또 한 명은 육군대장인 몰티머인데, 그는 인디오에게 청산해야할 빚이 있어 그것을 완수하기위해 그를 찾아온다. 이 범죄자는 그의 여동생의 죽음과 관련이 있었다. 인디오가 돈을 얻기위해 엘파소의 은행을 털 것이라는 직감을 갖고 이 두 명의 총잡이는 그곳으로 돌린다. 이들은 서로를 믿지 않았으나 보다 효과적으로 인디오를 잡기위해 '이름 없는 자'가 악당과 한 패가 된 것처럼 가장해 그들의 비밀 소굴로 쳐들어가 인디오를 사로잡기로 하는 기막힌 음모를 꾸미는데...
Hands of a Gunfighter
A gunman returns to his earlier life when the Carter / Castle brothers shoot his friends and he is threatened with being separated from his son.
The Family and One More
Empleado de la tintorería
The life of the family inordinate surveyor Carlos Alonso has undergone several changes over the course of the years: the birth of child number 16, little Maria, coincided with the death of the mother, who left behind a hollow refillable. The grandfather also died. The Godfather pastry married, and the boys have been growing rapidly ...
Whisky y vodka
Director hotel Chamonix
Historias de la televisión
Film divided into two stories: 1. Cuando los gorilas hablan por teléfono 2. Una chica de fortuna
The Bienvenido's Story
Marisol tells some children the true story of a donkey that was passed from hand to hand to be the figure of a circus, being loved by all.
Como dos gotas de agua
The lawyer Angela Goñi is working in two cases at once: an man that wants to take to Pilo, a young orphan, tp a protection child school. And Mili, another young woman neglected by his father, a businessman, whose aunt Teresa wants to claim through the courts. Taking advantage of the amazing similarity between the girls, the lawyer makes many things to try to resolve the situation as happy as possible.
Marisol rumbo a Río
Comprador de un disco
Marisol and Mariluz are twin sisters. They live separated, Mariluz with their uncle in Rio de Janeiro, and Marisol with their mother, in Madrid. Marisol's mother has desperately tried to get money to go to Brasil and meet Mariluz, and so she and the girl have worked in all kinds of places, but they never get enough money until one day Marisol's mother decides to sell everything to get the money and go to Brasil to reunite the family. Once there they discover that Mariluz's governess and her lover have devised a plan to get the money from the twins' uncle, a plan that is in terrible danger now that the spaniards have arrived to Brasil, forcing them to start thinking to get them out of the way...
El juego de la verdad
Lucia is a mature woman who maintains a relationship with the young John. When he is found murdered in a bullring with a nail stuck in his chest, Lucia is the prime suspect, it is believed that the motive for the crime was jealousy because it felt for her daughter Marta, which had also been seduced by John.
Implacable Three
Guzman, a rich U.S. landowner is forced to leave for a short time, leaving his pregnant wife alone in the ranch. That night, a group of bandits, believing that the house is empty, enters with the purpose of stealing. She surprises them and they kill her. When Guzman returns, he finds in the fingers of his dead wife the tie pin of the murderer. Then, with the help of a Portuguese and a Mexican friends,he begins his revenge.
El turista
Operación: Embajada
The Big Family
Conserje Ciudad Residencial
Vuelve San Valentín
As there are still a lot of problems in the relationships of the Spanish couples Saint Valentine returns to earth and especially to Madrid in order to fix these problems.
Accidente 703
Familiar en la boda
Hector travels with Luisa by the road linking Madrid with Barcelona. When another car suddenly crosses his path, his vehicle leaves the road and plunges into a tree. Hector dies and she is seriously injured. The other car was occupied by Jorge and Paula, her lover. Several vehicles cross before the car crash and do not stop, each for a different reason. Among them is Julio, a truck driver who does not stop in order to reach his destination on time, not knowing that at the wrecked car travels his old girlfriend.
Siempre es domingo
Enrique Valona
In a sector of Madrid inhabited by families of a well-off class, a gang of boys and girls has continuous fun, sleep and drink, while their parents ignore practically everything. However, each of these young people has, to a greater or lesser degree, a problem. The parties and parties enjoyed by a group of young people from the upper class are the basis of the story that explains this film. Among them we find the famous couple, once happy, formed by Carlos Larrañaga and María Luisa Merlo. Directed by Fernando Palacios, and with a script by Rafael J. Salvia and Pedro Masó, " It's always Sunday " has no greater intention than entertainment, despite giving history a certain sociological touch, for that of valuing the behavior of the Youth of the time.
Usted puede ser un asesino
Medical Examiner's Assistant
Two friends plan a weekend of partying while their wives go to a mountain chalet. But everything gets complicated when a corpse appears in the pantry, apparently out of nowhere.
091: Police speaking
Policía Armada #1
A police inspector makes his service in a patrol car attenging emergency calls. A memory hauns him, the death of her daughter, who was killed hit by a car that fled. The car is located and the inspector goes there and confrontation will be violent.
El hombre que viajaba despacito
Cosme 'El Manías'
A tank regiment soldier needs a permit to go to his village to meet his newborn son. It will not be easy, leading to absurd situations featuring the legendary humorist Miguel Gila.