Marsha Mason

Marsha Mason

프로필 사진

Marsha Mason

참여 작품

Store Owner
최고의 청부 살인자 덩컨. 은퇴를 준비하던 그는 막대한 퇴직금을 눈앞에 두고 음모에 말려든다. 잔혹한 킬러 군단과의 대결, 마지막 살인 게임의 방아쇠가 당겨졌다.
No Sleep 'Til Christmas
Lizzie, a high-end event planner, lies awake nightly while her devoted fiancé Josh rests peacefully. When a sleep-deprived incident causes her to run into Billy, a low-key bartender who is just as sleepless and frustrated as she is, they discover that they can only fall asleep while next to each other.