Today is the "day for the elimination of violence" but Julia, a nonchalant high school teacher, is not paying attention when Ethan tries to confide in her.
20 세기 초반, 페드로는 강력한 지주의 결혼식 사진을 찍기 위해 티에라 델 푸에고에 도착한다. 페드로는 소녀 티가 아직 가시지 않은, 신부 사라의 순수한 아름다움을 포착하다 눈덮인 산 한가운데 버려지는데….
Fatiya agrees to replace her cousin at a babysitting gig. When she meets the mother of the young boy she is supposed to look after, prejudice and racism cause the afternoon to take a turn.
Abdel has been working in a café in France for several years. His wife Zaina stayed on the other side of the Mediterranean. This evening, Abdel's young neighbors are celebrating: new software allowing them to call the homeland has become available. Between excitement and impatience, Abdel gets ready for his first Skype call.
Abdel has been working in a café in France for several years. His wife Zaina stayed on the other side of the Mediterranean. This evening, Abdel's young neighbors are celebrating: new software allowing them to call the homeland has become available. Between excitement and impatience, Abdel gets ready for his first Skype call.