Enno Patalas

Enno Patalas

프로필 사진

Enno Patalas

참여 작품

Metropolis Refound
Argentinian film historians find a complete print of Fritz Lang's “Metropolis” (1927) at Buenos Aires Film Museum and take it to Germany for its restoration.
Voyage to 'Metropolis'
A documentary about the making of the final version of "Metropolis" by restoring all material from different sources.
Dem Panzerkreuzer Potemkin auf der Spur
"Tracing Battleship Potemkin" goes on to detail the extensive number of shots long lost from constant authorized and unauthorized re-cuts in the last 80 years, and how many of those shots have been returned. Indeed, the film is all the more powerful and lyrical with a number of key scenes (especially the famed "Odessa steps" sequence) filled out and shaded with emotional nuance.
Ernst Lubitsch in Berlin: From Schönhauser Allee to Hollywood
Featuring interviews with daughter Nicola Lubitsch, film historians Enno Patalas and Jan-Christopher Horak and filmmaker Tom Tykwer (among others), Ernst Lubitsch in Berlin documents the life of the legendary filmmaker from his birth in 1892 to his departure for Hollywood in 1923. The documentary is sprinkled with excerpts from Lubitsch's rarely-seen early work (both as actor and director) and offers fascinating insights into the German film industry in the silent era.
The Metropolis Case
A documentary about Fritz Langs "Metropolis" by Enno Patalas.
The Metropolis Case
A documentary about Fritz Langs "Metropolis" by Enno Patalas.
The Shipwrecker
Three actors portray scenes from the life of Sterling Hayden, with a particular focus on his appearance before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Inspired by Hayden’s memoir “Wanderer.”
Der Platzanweiser
하늘은 스스로 돕는 자를 돕지 않는다
Pastor Fuhrmann
남루한 행색의 소년이 어두운 동굴에서 홀로 지낸다. 어느 날, 검은 옷을 입은 남자가 소년을 밖으로 데리고 나간다. 말은 물론, 잘 걷지도 못하는 소년은 편지 한 장을 든 채 마을 한복판에 서 있게 된다. 소년의 이름은 카스파르 하우저. 사람들은 하우저에게 관심을 보이지만, 소년은 그저 호기심과 조롱의 대상일 뿐이다. 한 교수가 하우저를 데려가 교육시키려 하는데, 어느 날, 하우저가 괴한의 공격을 받고 만다. 실제로 1928년 뉘른베르크에 나타나 세간의 관심과 논란을 불러일으켰던 소년 카스파르 하우저의 이야기를 그렸다. 배우가 아닌 거리의 악사였던 브루노 S.의 실제를 방불케 하는 연기가 깊은 인상을 남긴다. * 1975 칸영화제 심사위원대상 등 3개 부문
...Geist und ein wenig Glück
Documentary about the current state of German cinema. Produced for German television.
A City's Birthday Celebrations
A documentary short film by Ferdinand Khittl on Munich's 800th anniversary.
People at the Espresso Bar
Himself (uncredited)
Vesely’s study on changing urbanity claims that "the Espresso has a democratic touch." Italy has expanded into Munich and instead of beer hall cellars, there are Cappuccinos, ice creams and tables in the open.