In addition to the burden of caring for her mother whose mental condition is deteriorating, Hyo-jeong feels oppressed by the sheer weight of life itself. She finally decides to send her mother, who now has full blown dementia, to a mental health care facility.
In addition to the burden of caring for her mother whose mental condition is deteriorating, Hyo-jeong feels oppressed by the sheer weight of life itself. She finally decides to send her mother, who now has full blown dementia, to a mental health care facility.
재개발을 앞둔 마을에 사는 소녀는 다른 친구들처럼 빨리 달리고 싶다. 하지만 롤러블레이드를 갖지 못한 소녀는 또래 아이들에 비해 한참이나 뒤쳐질 수밖에 없다. 어느 날 소녀는 고물상 할배 집에 롤러블레이드가 있다는 걸 알고 마음이 동요하기 시작한다.