Evgeny Lensky

Evgeny Lensky

프로필 사진

Evgeny Lensky

참여 작품

Fixies VS Crabots
Professor Eugenius finds both his career and secret friendship with the Fixies in danger when his college sweetheart, Erica, threatens to reveal that Eugenius only beat her out of the University’s Grand Prize in 3D Printing because Fixies were secretly helping him. Erica challenges Eugenius to a rematch to show the world who the better inventor really is! Eugenius will employ his Fixie friends while Erica has little helpers of her own — crabbots, miniature robotic crabs that are faster and stronger than the Fixies.
저렴하게 매물로 나온 고급 아파트에 신혼부부가 이사 오면서 벌어지는 이야기의 공포 스릴러
Bremen: The Last Magic Kingdom
The fairy world has been shaken by the invasion of the Dark Lord. Through his servant, Rumpel, he used an inter-dimensional portal creation machine, and traveled his army of darkness to each fairy kingdom. Evil forces deprived all, but one kingdom of their magical powers. The last magic kingdom, Bremen, still stands. Cregg, the court wizard, stole the machine from Rumpel and hid it in Bremen Town's castle. There, the curious Princess Leilla discovers its existence and persuades Gevork, the last mountain elf and guardian of the machine, to turn it on. As the magical portal opens, Dave, a modern boy, is transported to the fairy world. Together, the band of unlikely heroes - Dave, Leilla, Cregg, and Gevork, journey to save the fairy worlds from the evil sorcerer.