Alla Malkova

Alla Malkova

출생 : 1953-02-01,

프로필 사진

Alla Malkova

참여 작품

The director of the orphanage, Andrey Mast, is fighting the lawlessness reigning there and introducing strict rules. The new pupil Inna opposes these rules and will seek justice in her own way.
퍼펙트 미션
제2차세계대전, 최정예 비밀요원 마리아는 독일이 점령 중인 교회에 잠입하여 그림 한 점을 되찾는 임무에 투입된다. 독일군의 총공세로 부대원이 전멸될 상황에 놓인 가운데 그림을 둘러싼 놀라운 예언과 그림을 지키던 블라디미르 신부의 반전 정체가 드러나는데..
다크 스펠
사랑하는 남자에게 버림받은 제냐. 그의 마음을 되돌리기 위해 ‘검은 결혼식’이라는 주문을 걸고 사랑을 되찾는다. 하지만 그녀를 향한 그의 사랑은 점점 광적인 집착을 보이는데…
라스트 프론티어
1941년 독일군이 모스크바 190km 앞까지 진격한다. 보병 및 포병사관학교의 3,500명의 생도들은 완벽한 훈련조차 제대로 받지 못한 채 최전선에 배치된다. 정규군이 올 때까지 단 6일 동안 최후의 방어선을 사수해야 하는데… 역사상 가장 불가능한 전투 실화를 만난다!
Загадка Фибоначчи
Лариса Игоревна, мать Диня
A Frenchman
woman at the bread factory
In 1957 French student Pierre Durand comes to Moscow to do an internship at Moscow State University. Here he meets ballerina Kira Galkina and photographer Valera Uspenskiy. With them he discovers the cultural side of Moscow — not just the traditional one, but the underground one as well. During his year in Russia’s capital Pierre lives an entirely different life than what he’s used to. But the internship and the experience of the Soviet people’s way of life are not the only things Pierre is after. He’s searching for his father, White officer Tatishchev, who was arrested in the 1930s.
Light Up!
Alevtina Romanova is a warden in the woman's colony, and the only thing that is different from her «iron lady» image is her voice - a voice which even a notable opera diva would envy. However, Alevtina has been ashamed of her talent since the times she was a kid and nowadays, preliminarily making sure no one's around, she rarely sings for herself. Despite the fact that Alevtina is trying to stay invisible, one of the prisoners secretly records her singing on video by a cellphone and puts it online. The tape becomes a real sensation, and soon Alevtina is invited to Moscow to participate in the main singing show on national television. A sincere desire to change her life awakens inside Alevtina but she's not ready to compete in the show at all. The only person who could train her voice and prepare her for the performance is that very prisoner, who recorded the video, who turns out to be a singer in the past.
Quiet Flows The Don
submariner (uncredited)
With World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Russian Civil War as backdrop, it's an old-fashioned, blood-and-guts narrative, filled with earthly humor and a wealth of colorful characters. The story concerns the fluctuating fortunes of Grigory Melekhov, a young Cossack who is both a hero and a victim of the uprising.
Kerosene Salesman's Wife
Drama film about different lifes of twin brothers.