Leonid Plyaskin

Leonid Plyaskin

프로필 사진

Leonid Plyaskin

참여 작품

사보타지 1941
행복한 미래를 꿈꾸던 10대 소녀 ‘조야’ 어느 날, 그녀는 전쟁에 참여했던 사랑하는 남자 ‘진’의 죽음을 알게 되고 자원입대로 사보타주 대원이 된다. 하지만 작전을 수행하던 중 나치군에 붙잡히게 되는데… 그들에게 결코 굴복하지 않은 ‘조야’의 역사가 시작된다!
Height 220
The film tells how in the summer of 1942, on the approaches to Stalingrad, Wehrmacht soldiers were blocked by the defenders of Altitude 220. Machine-gun crew of Hanpasha Nuradilov destroyed almost a thousand soldiers and officers of the enemy in an unequal battle, showing an example of selfless courage and heroism. With his sacrifice, Nuradilov stopped the powerful attack of the Germans, thereby giving time to regroup the Soviet troops, and did not allow the enemy to capture the Serafimovichi bridgehead, which gathered the main forces of our army for the main attack on the Wehrmacht group in Stalingrad.