Greta Shushchevichute

Greta Shushchevichute

프로필 사진

Greta Shushchevichute

참여 작품

트리니티 선데이
In a love triangle there are always three participants: the torturer, the saviour and the victim, who change roles depending on the situation. There is no room to condemn anyone, there is no right and no guilt. A betrayal can happen with everyone. Margo admits to her husband George that she betrayed him with her student Anton. Her confession changes the life of three people. At first it seems that it is a usual story, but gradually it emerges that everything that happens to Margo has a deeper meaning. She begins to understand God, family, and love. She starts to realize how these values correspond with the eastern world, where she has grown up, and with the western world where she now lives.
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Dmitry is a strong willed, solid guy. He could easily quit the game, if only he knew he was playing.